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Posts posted by charliebrown

  1. thanks lads.... i did look down every avenue..and I have talked with some of the other firms who are owed..we all seem to be in the same boat..

    her Brother is listed as the new director on the new firm. I might just have a quiet word with him.... I know I wont get the money back..but as they say..There is more than one way to skin a cat ....


    I have mentioned it to the hospitals that gave her the work in the 1st place... they wern't pleased

    also have let other firms in the flooring trade know..some had said they have been asked to quote for jobs..... they seem to have changed thier minds now :good::good:

    your all right about the backup for small buisiness..there aint none





    Thats all thats possible, Spread the word, wont help with getting the money back but atleast you might stop it happening to anyone else.

  2. We had a client that used something like this in a restaurant, they called them Hot Rocks but are normally known as a Pierrade according to Google:







    Any idea which stone these are, look like they might be a marble or basalt. I import stone so think if I can find out what stone they are a trip to suppliers for a few 'samples' might be in order.

  3. One night a week off from passionate sex to allow my scratched back to heal.



    someone to fill in on these occasions, might I put myself forward?


    Otherwise a stick in the shed to stir paint with (after youve broken through that half inch layer of crusty dried paint that seems like plastic, spent an hour insisting that 10 year old paint will be fine before sloping off to wickes when her indoors isnt looking)

  4. I keep telling ya..... Red liquorice boot laces, bottom shelf next to the mach 3 razors. She has to get them for you.


    Abigail, 33 and two kids 6 & 9.


    More to follow. Don't know where you keep getting the facial hair bit from.....Her top lip is clean as a whistle


    She must have noticed the Mach 3's while getting your Boot Laces :angry:

  5. At the StAlbans Beer festival was a bloke selling mainly Pewter, but also had a lot of leather goods he makes. I (vaugely!) remember being impressed with both the quality and price and have been carrying his card around since.


    Webbie is www.thepewterscribe.com 07876026679


    Might be worth a look if no joy elsewhere.

  6. Not a nursery rime, just a reaction to the 1150 proposed new laws that the EU are currently discussing and the fact that my local council “West Sussex” are trying to ban the flying of the St. George flag because quote “it has racist undertones”.


    Have you got a linky to any official info on it? Id be quite interested to see their reasoning.

  7. The Peltman and me set a few traps last night on a local stretch of river that he controls, Pelty wasn't too hopefull on our efforts as the Eastern Europeans had beat us to it last year.


    So we went & checked them at lunchtime today & ****** me, we could hardly haul the nets out the water, they were so many crammed in the traps, with some absolute monsters among them :P




    Looks like we beat the Poles to em:yes:




    We shared them out & I boiled them up in salt water & I have just bagged up 100 juicy crayfish.


    I'm tucking in to a beautiful garlic, mayo, crayfish salad with fresh crusty bread :good:


    I reckon we had well over 200 :o






    Theres thousands of the sodding things in the Lee and the Ver through Parkstreet is also rammed. I heard the ones in the lakes there were Turkish though, not signals, Any idea?

  8. Ive always done well on two or three bits of corn on a size 12 with just enough shot up the line to keep the bait down. I just let it sit for a minute or two, then 'bump' it down stream. Repeat, then move to next swim. Cant stand the boilies/pellets/leadcore stuff for chub and barble

  9. We have three card terminals on three different sites and do quite a lot of trade with credit cards. We currently use Lloyds TSB Cardnet and have done for years. I was looking at changing providers late last year and got some good quotes on rates through the Forum of Private Business. Went back to Cardnet and they agreed to beat the rates I had been offered so decided to stay with them. Their service is good, reliable and on the odd occassion we have had a problem they have sorted it out quickly with minimum fuss.


    Only slight downside is that because we don't bank with Lloyds, the cards take a day longer process and get into our Natwest account (four days).


    When looking at alternative providers, I found that they were all pretty open to negotiation on the rates, so get your haggling head on and do shop around. However, do be wary of some dodgy card service providers who are based overseas and are not covered by FSA regulation. Forrester UK holdings springs to mind. :good:

    I am aware of some companies having fallen prey to some underhand selling and locked into some nasty contracts.


    pm me if you want any in depth info.


    All the best.




    Your doing well there, im with Cardnet and bank with lloyds, still takes 5 working days to reach our account. But as you say so far its been a reliable service (touch wood).

  10. Any sort of mammel would probably catch the odd pike, but why bother? Fish baits are easier to use and will catch far more


    As far as deadbaits go a medium sized sardine is hard to beat, theyve caught for me on every water ive fished and I always make sure they're in the cool box. I tend to fish them with a large single through the root of the tail (make sure you feel the hook go through the spine) and a size 8 treble down the flank. Im sure I get better takes and hook more fish since ive started using the one single instead of a standard snap tackle, Its also rare that I cast a bait off like this as well.

    Strangly ive never caught much on Mackeral (heads or tails), although most people swear by them.


    Chublets are my favourite livebait, they just dont get tired and keep going till they get taken. On a stillwater I like a 6 inch rudd, they will try to reach the surface so I always feel confident that theyve not buried themselves in weed.

  11. :( Thanks for all the usefull and errrr not so useful advice. I was going with new ones, dont want the oily smelly used ones, can get new oak ones for £17...so thats not bad, looked at Jarra but hey im not rockerfella lol.


    Lv and Mungler.....put your claws away.................


    Thats a good price right enough, direct from a sawmill I assume? Are they a full sleeper or half size?

  12. If you go down the sleepers route get either New pine or Oak, or go the reclaimed route, avoid the creosote sleepers but the Reclaimed Jarra sleepers are the dogs danglies, no creosote and will last forever. Also worth a look are some of the other hardwoods (Ekki etc).


    Pricewise youll be looking about a £12-18 for the 8' creosote depending on grade, Jarra about £18-20, New pine £15-20 depending on dimesions, new oak around £25ish. Delivery will be the issue if you dont want many

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