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Everything posted by yds

  1. Have you noticed nibbles has gone mate. We now have a Bulgarian nibbles. And the hole on the otherside made by the 9.3 was rather large, the hole you see there is the entry. :o
  2. :blink: :look: It was never meant to be about the placement of the shot, OR THE SPELLING. It was amazing it went so far unaware of the hole in its lungs and rib cage. Have i spelt that ok?
  3. The teeth are original i think. The work was cheap (thankfully) Bulgaria has a poor exchange rate. Shipping it here was another story. I think I will put it up at the front of the house to scare solar pannel sales men. I will try and take a side on photo thats not as bad. I just need a facing wall to hang it on now which is at the far end of the room or even street. LOL
  4. back on track now. Nobody i know "lung" shoots but mearly, "boiler house" or "engine room" shoots. This hopefully hits the heart and lungs as well as all the vital veins in there.
  5. I know all valid comments. I have sent an email to those who are concerned. Come on weeman its not good but that cat was worse.
  6. this is some of the work i saw there, and was impressed. maybe he had an apprentice do mine? a wolf
  7. I know, thats what I thought when i unwrapped it. But the photos do not do it any favours (and it needs some) but it looks better accross the room and I will put it up above the stairs so as you cannot scrutanise it. The trouble is they pose all their mounts like this abroad with a snarl, I'd have prefered it just looking as they are difficult to mount well in that pose. Ah well a lesson learned, don't have your taxidermy done in Bulgaria.
  8. I had a wolf come past me 2 years ago in bulgaria and they had said on the first drive nothing but pigs, didn't see another when we could shoot them. I'm organising a wolf hunt for a lad for next year as we speak. I went back this last year and these 2 were shot 2 weeks before we arrived.
  9. Well its not the quality of some of the work i've seen but its not to bad (i think) looks better from accross the room. The details are a little poor as is its expression. Guess we are spoilt by some of the boys we have in the uk. It was shot in Bugaria and mounted there by their man. It looks good enough (just) to remind me of a good hunt abroad in the company of friends shooting stuff not available over here. And it fell to my double rifle.
  10. well i disagree (and this thread is not the place) I am bussier then ever mentoring new applicants for centre fires, have another out tonight. I even have police forces contacting me to see if i can take any more on! The deer population is growing out of control with them showing up in city supermarket car parks now. Dead animal photos will not inspire an anti to be more anti like hiding will not make them forget about us hunting animals. They won't or don't want to see a reasoned argument. They are anti's and dont like to think we should kill anything especially for "sport" Sport or not deer and fox do need controling and if not by us who will pay for trained appointed employees to do it. But as I have said this thread is not the place. Be happy my friend and hide away, I will be proud of what i do and work along with the bodies that be to bring shooting into the reach of many. BE PROUD. ps i am very sorry the mods feel the need to remove "nibbles" It was not me, it was forced upon me. Be proud!
  11. you could always leave your supper bag at home mate that would make room for another 50
  12. So we have not got the right on an open forum to show something that is legal and unanomonous, everyone knows where i am, i dont hide behind an avatar. The subject was legally killed by legal methods in a humane mannor. As was the subject in my signature. As it happens by a good friend not by me. And its not me in the photo so its NOT a great white hunter photo, its a bit of fun amongts me and my friends. Just because you find the joke sick should it be banned? I never go on the jokes section (EVER) but bet i could easily be offended on there. Its a joke. and its nothing to do with this thread.
  13. after holding an fac for 28 years and been a keeper as long why should the feo expect anything else but a hatered for foxes and a lust to kill every fox I come accross. I have been in the trade a long time now and seen the fox destroy everything i have worked hard to produce. if you think sleepless hours away from my family waiting for a systematic killer to come back to a pen of birds, who will leave the free meals (rabbits ect) left for him and still he walks past them to get to the poults will make me respect such a creature. you are the mad one. Why when you read my posts do you have to even see the photo? I know its there myself but no longer look at it. And how this has gone from an unusual reaction to a lung shot and an educational debate about othershots to as OFF TOPIC as a signature, I don't know. I have 5 rifles all with a fox condition attached the police know I want to kill them whatever gun i'm carrying. Please stay on topic.
  14. well i agree it is misleading, i found out it wasn't nibbles he is still out there. and p.s i have never tried to keep my hatred and lack of respect for foxes a secret. If i could kill the last 2 in yorkshire i'd shoot them both.............TWICE just to be sure. been ruthless with foxes is why i have so much land in the area, just picked up today another 600 acres adjoining some land i already shoot. the first thing that was said is make sure you kill every fox please, we don't want them on the shoot. Having any sentiments for them in this area doesnt win you any points with land owners, keepers and shoot captains. If they thought you could just shoot a leg of it and it might die a week later that would be fine with them. But I live in a big game shooting area.
  15. this mornings stalk. and please have a look at the size of our fields up here. :unsure:
  16. well I couldn't have put it better myself. Other then to add the fields behind are wold land and average 60-100 acres even someone training for the olymipics couldn't appear behind the hedge and not spook that deer in the time it took and by along i mean at an angle as its 6ft wide. so at that angle probaby the bullet would travel 9ft before going into the worked arable field behind which would still be empty.
  17. Thank you for your honest input. So can the deer can still be concious after a neck shot? Now it takes you a while to walk up to it? Can that animal be alive as long as the one here which ran after a lung shot? So we are agreed the only drop dead everytime shot is to the head or atlas joint, but are also agreed it is not a shot for the inexperienced or at distance as there is a larger chance of wounding and little chance of follow up. Which is why "best practice" will not condone it on wild deer. Its nothing to do with how yds reads it its the best thing (boiler house) for the deer under most circumstances with most marksmen/stalkers. regards john
  18. just going mate, back up at 0305
  19. well done dave a nice shot. skinned him yet??
  20. no he's a member of P.W.
  21. all sold now thanks.
  22. she rarely makes a sound though recently has whined once or twice after a shots been fired.
  23. well good for you (and i mean it) but if you carry on being honest has every necked and grassed deer been dead on arrival, have you never had one still blinking at you?? you have been lucky if you haven't. and will you also agree its only a shot someone with your experience should be undertaking?
  24. well its better to know what you are in for its not such a shock when something goes wrong, and believe me it didn't there it was good bullet placement and performance on a deer which was unaware of us. It is a sport which is not for everybody but the killing of the deer is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the "experience"
  25. technically NO because of the drop in blood pressure the brain is quickly starved of blood so his perceptions are dulled quickly. The hole in his lungs does not kill him from shortness of breath but its the blood loss there stops it going to the brain which shuts down stopping the heart and any other functions including nerve endings. And again how many animals are pricked or wounded by shotguns and any gun/marksman?. I know i've been shooting and picking up all my life(nearly) No one watching the videos of game shooting posted last winter was loosing any sleep over the pricked birds which glided for 100's of yards with shot in them. Its NO different only a different animal.
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