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Everything posted by yds

  1. Nothing really it's just a illustration of it
  2. Looks good scragg boy did well, cannot wait to try it. Keep sids mag off it or it will be a hoy fox
  3. Guns nearly gone now, we have left. oct 11th 4 guns oct 19th full nov 16th 3 guns nov 30th 2 guns dec 7th full dec 21st full jan 4th full jan 18th full
  4. It's the moment after the bullet severed his neck
  5. same here regards rut just getting going now. had quite a few deer (sex unknown) crash right in but hidden in the undergrowth and crash back out. Very frustrating.
  6. gary tatterton 01937581077 please mention me if you contact him.
  7. The work was £350-375 I think.
  8. A Danish friends father shot this buck with me on his birthday last year. It was a present from me. So it was whisked off to Gary Tatterton. On their annual visit over here they picked it up this time. Well I must say the work is impressive.
  9. Just before I get flat out with clients and the rut I promised my wife sue the chance to take a nice malform for the wall. She had today off and I had no clients so we would try for her buck. That was the plan but at 0420 this morning she could not get out of bed. So I left on my own and to another bit of ground. Well on my walk in this fellow jumped up and ran a little way. He stopped to look back to see what I was and that was his mistake. A good solid lung shot at 60m off my sticks.I like the heart shot normally but the crops were to high.
  10. Lovely job mate well done and great pics.
  11. Dates filling up nicely now don't miss out.
  12. Different pond with reared duck and more wild geese. And the partridge drives are showing the best potential we've ever had.
  13. taken yesterday the first wild duck goose drive already filling up.
  14. nice one lee that is some big munty.
  15. could be a game crop with kale or rape hybrid, if its a strip it will be game cover if a field it will be rape or fodder beat.
  16. yds


    as a youngster probably not as he will be frigtened of other bucks.
  17. yds


    he appears here.
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