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Everything posted by yds

  1. looks very similar to ground down there my mate has, they only have munty and roe on it. they have seen a few fallow footprints aand have 1 on a stealth cam but there not there in numbers. well done.
  2. heres an old one. http://youtu.be/9rsqBUrSx6g and another http://youtu.be/OC3trUOjufw
  3. depends on model most will do video mine will but not tried that yet.
  4. the steath are a trail camera and take pics from a tree etc.
  5. more luck tonight and his first deer stalk.
  6. Yes right to the last day of the season. But I stop taking mature does around the 20odd of feb. Only yearling does and barren does are taken in march. Right now I'm busy shooting the old girls leaving yearlings for next month. This was yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr0u9EUbhb0&feature=share&list=UUSW7TWPvQDa8mDosB2eczHw the old girl was left. we took a youngster and you can hear him say another? I say no leave them. I may go back and take the other follower next month leaving the old girl for future sport. Remember I do this for a living full time and it makes no sense to shoot all my breeders but I have to shoot enough to keep everyone happy. Much of my grounds I am only now just starting to cull does as its run for game shooting and i have to wait while catching up is done before i can access the woods. Its worked for me for years now and i have no less deer now then ever. Last march we shot 19 does only 1 was mature and she was lame.
  7. Always used Vmax but had a batch that never expanded. The fox here had the heart blown clean out of its body and still ran. I have had good results from these hp's and they work great on munjac to. I've shot nearly 3,000 foxes now over 25 years with everything from my 7mm rem mag- 22LR and have seen everything from these critters. The exit on the fox
  8. a pocket sized caller i got off ebay with no name, cant find the link now but it is great.
  9. bed now mate i have a client tomorrow.
  10. 30 years and no mistakes , good enough i'd say. and your moulded plastic is a whitetail decoy. hence the sarcasm.
  11. I'm not parks are not my thing. You said garden not park. But do you? Anyway this is going nowhere now been fun with the banter. regards john YDS.
  12. Again being a pro I am quick its my living I do it daily, assess backstop, quarry and sex. Do more in months then you will in your life. Been doing it for nearly 30 years already.
  13. "Round There" was in response to your photo you used to show the garden in your original post.
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