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  1. J@mes


    Up to £15K I'd say Cerbera, 4.5. Above, a Sagaris. But the Lotus Exige, Evora and Noble M12 GTO must be on the cards too. I can't believe the amount of "don't do it, they're too unreliable" posts in here. Lads, have your wives logged in for you? "costs too much/to unreliable/not family friendly etc etc - all from the mouths of a split ****. No place for it in a thread discussing the possible purchase of a V8.
  2. Opposite happened to me at Mitsubishi, they told me I had 2000 miles left all round on my brake pads, and within a week (about 200 miles driving) the rears were down to the metal!
  3. You were told wrong. The rules are all there to see on the dsa website and have been covered in this thread and others. No.
  4. It's pretty important to make sure you are within the limits of your licence though, as being outside of them means no licence means no insurance means in the poop big time.
  5. Maximum MAM is 3500KG if towing a trailer above 750KG, and the maximum MAM is 4250kg if towing a trailer under 750KG. What it allows is a reasonable sized outfit to be towed (a medium family estate and a caravan for example, totaling 3500KG) or a heavier tow vehicle and a lighter trailer totaling 4250KG. I think the idea behind it is that if someone is driving a vehicle with 3500KG, then having a little trailer on the back isn't going to make much of a difference to handling and braking as you are adding only 25% weight to what the vehicle would/could normally be. But for inexperienced drivers, they want to stop people jumping in to a 2000K car and towing a 2250kg trailer with it, making it a completely different vehicle to drive. That's my opinion/ thoughts on it. Could be a load of junk though.
  6. 750KG unbraked. The 4250KG allowance is there so that drivers can drive a vehicle with a MAM of 3500KG and still tow a small trailer. I think.
  7. Pretty sure the 4250KG figure is so that van/commercial vehicle drivers with a MAM of 3500KG can tow an unbraked trailer up to 750KG, giving the 4250KG total in that respect.
  8. Unbraked and below 750KG, OR total weight of car and trailer below 3500KG provided the Maximum Authorised Mass (plated weight) of the trailer does not exceed the Unladen Weight of the towing vehicle. So you could tow a 1500KG trailer with a 2000KG car, 1750kg trailer and 1750KG car, 1000KG trailer and 2500KG car and so on.
  9. Yes, that applies to anyone who passed their test after 1997. Read this page, it explains the law correctly. Whoever told you "750kg unbraked single axle" is talking tripe. http://www.ntta.co.uk/law/law/driving_licences.aspx Mainly, these bits: Vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes (category B ) with a 750kg trailer (4.25 tonnes total MAM). Category B vehicles with larger trailers i.e. > 750kg, provided that the combined MAM does not exceed 3.5 tonnes and the gross MAM of the trailer does not exceed the unladen weight of the towing vehicle. To be able to tow combinations outside this ruling requires the passing of an additional test.
  10. No you're not. You could tow a 1500KG trailer behind a 2000KG car. "Maximum of 3500KG providing the MAM of the trailer doesn't exceed the unladen weight of the towing vehicle" is the law. I've taken the test, it was reasonably easy ( I passed with 3 minors after 4 hours training) The things to watch out for are: Hooking up/unhooking in the correct order - it's a safety thing, they'll ask you to do it so make sure you get it right. Driving to test standard is pretty hard to get used to when you've been driving for a while. I had a couple of weeks between my lessons and my test, which gave me time to practice driving sensibly - mirrors every 10 seconds, handbrake at the lights, following distances and all the other things that go out the window as soon as you pass your test. Things you have to do: hook/ unhook Reverse a dogleg shaped course and back it in to a bay, without hitting the barrier or crossing lines on the road. Road test of 45 minutes IIRC. Answer some questions on what you wold check on the trailer before hitching up and moving away (loading, secure doors, lights, number plates etc)
  11. A clue? First letter F last letter X. Need another clue give me a shout. Fax? You use your dog to send faxes?
  12. Phone them and ask for it to be moved to a local appointment, one of the girls at work got a placement on a course in Peterborough rather than Leicester where the offence took place.
  13. Don't you think they just might find another kind of dog to use? Or just carry on breeding them regardless, as they are keen on breaking the law anyway? I don't really see where you're going with your posts. Let's ban guns and fishing rods, that will stop poaching too
  14. Snow Update in Austria - 360cm on the slopes and 230cm in the village when I checked last night - never seen snow like it
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