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  1. At least some of us have an understanding the problem and the possible practical solutions. For others, as always ignorance is bliss.
  2. As is so often the case. What once was considered acceptable practices, has now been shown to be flawed. Time and understanding moves on. Don't get me wrong. I m in favour of a badger cull, and I have no problem with what was done in the past. I just believe that what was done then should be left in the past, and we should adopt better, modern methods of dealing with the problems.
  3. What can one say but good luck. Whats £60 these days? Most lads I know can spend that and more on a night out. Factor in your time and the buggeration element when the thing fails and you've had to repair or replace it twice over before you decide to scrap the darn thing it and buy a window bag and you'll been quids in. The enjoyment of making things can work out more expensive than you first imagined. Hopefully we all live and learn. Some just take longer than others. Atb
  4. Gamebore 32g Impact3" 3's for geese and 5's for duck. Not cheap but they certainly do the business. Give Charlie a call at Just Cartridges he was doing a half price delivery deal at the Game Fair.
  5. Nope I'm all in favour of eating what you shoot or catch. But there is a limit to just how far I'm willing to go to maintain that.
  6. Eddie Considering they are one of the prime harbourers of bTb I would be that enthusiastic about the idea of bunging another one in the bottom oven of the Rayburn these days.
  7. Best bit of bit of advice I can offer...............is. You should have brought one already worked over by the lads at NWCP or RFD, and then drop it in a Hogue stock. It works out far cheaper in the end and you end up with a decent .22 S/A
  8. I see you're getting ever more desperate.Sad and very predictable. I'll have toleave you to your own devices Dave. My dinners on the table.
  9. Follow the link to Equifix off my earlier post or try your luck at www.shootingbags.co.uk
  10. Thats very kind of you. But I'm still not that way inclined, and I'm definitely not interested. :blink:
  11. Some low life's will pinch anything. I hope all the publicity helps get her back . Selena Masson of the Shooting Time got her Cocker spaniel back after it had been stolen 13 months earlier. I'll leave you to figure out who had stolen him in the first place.
  12. Sorry pal I'm not that way inclined. :blink:
  13. Believe me the golfing crowd have been tring to resolve this one for years and have never come up with a viable solution. At the end of the day you can only legislate to a certain degree. After that you have to rely upon the individuals honesty, morals and ethics. We all know what happens to those 3 things when money gets put into the equation.
  14. The main problem with using the wing mirror is it only allows for a small arc of ground to be covered. If the target moves out of that small arc you have no choice but to move the vehicle. With a window rest bag from Equifix or a well designed window rest like the one sold by Arthur Carters. Not the mickey mouse sort cobbled together by Sako and his brother. You get a fair wider arc of ground covered and a more stable and more comfortable rest if parked up and sat waiting on a particular vantage point. Having said that I still use the wing mirror if the need or opportunity arises. Horses for courses. There's no price that can be put on experience.
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