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Everything posted by gazzthompson

  1. I'm not that worried really, I see no reason to believe its not true and I trust the many, many scientists who have studied the field. I also support nuclear and other forms of energy not just wind (which i actually like, Think they look cool ) I like this part of UKIP: I just see no reason for this part:
  2. Seems UKIP are okay with banning one side of the argument.
  3. Yes it is. Numerous people have already tried to paint it like people against his extradition are doing it because he "deserves" protecting or that he's a "Poor innocent man" or give them "terrorists a safe haven" This is straw man. I could not care less about this individual, or other ***** like him.
  4. I really don't care about the man, what he's like, because my emotional response to the man himself means ****** all when it comes to law and order, a system built on principle and logical thought. Not angry emotional response manipulated by the press and Gov. I really wouldn't care if he was walking around watton either, probably worst here. Keep trying to paint it as if people actually care and sympathise with the man himself... its called : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man
  5. "Deserves ? No. Should he get it? Yes. " If hes a danger to the UK, lock him up in UK prison. Oh wait, hes not actually a danger or he would be locked up already.
  6. Deserves ? No. Should he get it? Yes.
  7. If he has broken UK laws : Imprison him. If he has not: leave him alone. Simple. Now I know how it was so easy to ban certain firearms in this country and have such restrictive "freedom" of speech, the populations ability to turn against its own interests through a mix of fear, anger and maybe a "terrorist" or two thrown in is shocking!
  8. .I don't support this guy, I support certain principles this country has and should continue to stand on.
  9. Pro freedom. And this can cause problems, but i would rather be in a population that was pro freedom (Like the US) than a population that is all to willing to be pro nanny state (UK). Will it last though? Not sure. Hope so.
  10. What;s the difference between you, and a Muslim extremist wanting demolition of churches in an Islamic country? other than your religion.
  11. The ability for a government to manipulate the people through fear and anger is oh so apparent in this thread , its scary. The ECHR was greatly influenced and created by our grandfathers generation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Convention_on_Human_Rights Our ancestors might be rolling in their graves, but if they are they probably are because of peoples inability to hold their principles true and simply abandon them at the mere mention of the scary word "terrorism"
  12. Yes it does, what he said is clear. Sounds exactly the same as a muslim extremist.
  13. I would move to America or Canada if I could. Canada, being a commonwealth country , is a lot easier (I believe) to move too. Both have better gun laws in my opinion. but I'm in no rush, maybe when I'm 25-30 ish.
  14. Are you purposely trying to sound like a religious extremist in some sort of ironic way? Or are you in fact a religious extremist shockingly similar to the people you hate?
  15. We shouldn't run a country on "mob rules". How shooters could support such a thing is beyond me
  16. that's how civalized countries work, you sound exactly like a muslim extremist. We don't have freedom of speech in the UK, and people don't want it because they are all to keen to: "give away what few rights and liberties they have in this country based on the viewpoints of the media" People are in fear of more freedom because of the abuse of a minority, its pathetic and its why we have very little.
  17. If they breaks our laws, give them trial and prison. If not, leave them alone.
  18. Easy; he is here, he is human (I assume), he is subject/protected by the laws we are. Regardless of his "crimes".
  19. We shouldn't base law on mob rules. As shooters we should know the problems with that!
  20. pegasus bridge, I understand the point of view... Why grant human rights to somebody who does not respect them? Because we are (well, should be, but clearly not as this thread shows) better than they are! Human rights are human rights. its not: Human rights* *exceptions may be made if the public are foaming at the mouth hard enough
  21. If Qatada was an actual threat to the UK, He would be in prison here. But he's not, because he isn't. The Gov are just using this so they look "tough" on EU and to get everybody foaming at the mouths, nothing easier to manipulate than a group of angry people.
  22. Too many variables of the indaviual cases to comment properly. guantanmo bay is another good example of my point though.
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