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Posts posted by 1066

  1. 23 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, if i was going FAC air it would be 22 either a rapid or a BSA R10, a friend has a super 10 in 22 going 30 ish ft llb an awesome rifle, a bit OTT for rats but rabbits to 80 yards with a decent scope,  squirrels in high tree tops !!!! both should do 100 plus shots per charge 

    I'm very pleased with the performance of my old FAC BSA super 10 running at 29ftlb - very accurate with Bisley Magnum pellets., just about halfway between a 12ftlb air rifle and a .22lr.

  2. 1 hour ago, mick miller said:

    - An example; pictures of nest boxes next to an air rifle and some dead squirrels helps contextualise why squirrels have been killed. 

    That's exactly the sort of thing we need show - it was only the photos of pecked lambs in the national press that drew any public attention to the recent problem and highlighted the narrow minded absurdity of Packham et al.

  3. On ‎07‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 21:42, The Burpster said:

     Nice one and join the club. I bought mine with a tired barrel and shot it out with a couple of thousand rounds. Then I used the action to build my target rifle with a Lilia barrel. Excellent rifle! 

    I've got one with a Lilja barrel too although not wearing it in this photo :)


  4. In the 1970's an ex-police superintendent called Colin Greenwood wrote an excellent book on gun control - he wrote in depth about the variations in costing between different police forces. How some forces, supposedly doing the same job arrived at different figures, often 20-30 times as much as other forces, things like the cost of maintenance and  deterioration of the building being factored in and charged to the firearms department.

    The cost of issuing certificates should be looked at vary carefully by an independent body before accepting their own figures. I note that policing the Eco demonstrations in London a few weeks ago cost £7 million, who pays for that?

  5. What an articulate and well reasoned letter. Make no mistake, we are under attack from all quarters, this is a major coup for Packham and his band, even when the general licences are restored we will have lost ground. NE/DEFRA or who ever ends up issuing the licences will almost certainly give a nod to the antis and so the ratchet jumps another click.

    We have very few friends in the media, certainly few who are willing to put their head above the parapet and those that do often give the impression we are all landed gentry.

    What about George Digweed MBE, as an ambassador, 26 world titles and regular field shooter.

  6. Your 8 South East MEPs represent you in the European Parliament. They scrutinise proposed European laws and the budget of the European Union, and provide oversight of its other decision-making bodies.

  7. 3 hours ago, louisvanhovell said:

    Wow that sounds cool! 

    Even my sub 12 Mk1 Innova .177 feels like a sniper. 

    3 pumps - plenty for making those beer cans fly into the air at 70 meters. 

    A fantastic gun. 

    The only awkward thing is pumping with a scope on: I've understood that the breech needs to be held whilst pumping. With a scope, it feels like I'm putting quite a lot of force on the scope. 

    No room for my hand under the scope. 

    How many pumps did you need for 18 ftlbs? 

    8 pumps would give me 750 fps with .22 Eley Wasps.

  8. The Gun Control Network (GNC) is a very small band of rabid anti-gun campaigners. Their membership numbers are unknown but believed to be less than 100 and may be as few at 10, they do however have a sympathetic ear from the media who are only too keen to give them space to air their unsubstantiated and skewed ideas. 

     Professor Peter Squires from Brighton University is another leading member of the GCN and also an official adviser to NABIS the police ballistics laboratory and other police and government firearms related committees .

    I believe the shooting organisations and shooters in general  don't take these people anything like seriously enough - they loudly spout their distorted views but rarely are they challenged, they should be jumped on by the paid representatives of our associations and shown up for the bigots they are at every opportunity. 

    Here's a little light reading to give you a taste of their stated aims.




  9. Thank you Jamie - I keep busy and always got a new idea to be working on. Sorry to hear about the scope but hope you learned something with the dissecting experience. Current projects include making  a new scale from scratch incorporating several new ideas and designing a wireless target camera system for a local range. Also started doinga bit of benchrest shooting so yesterday designed and made a single shot adapter for my old BSA R10 air rifle.

    New scales - about half done:



    and 3d printed shooting specs:








  10. Unfortunately not got a cheap scope available Jamie but have you had a look at the original scope or are you being told it won't adjust. Could it be that it's just run out of adjustment, I slight bit of barrel droop with a break barrel rifle and you're into shimming/bodging territory.

    Failing that you could try unscrewing the turrets/adjusters as far as they will go then giving the scope a bit of a rap to free up the mechanism, you really have nothing to lose.

    The adjusters push down on a spring loaded tube, the tube may well be stuck if it's not been adjusted for ages.

  11. This is a ploy by NABIS to extend it's empire. I think an investigative journalist could have a field day digging into this organisation and it's funding, Private company/Public money/complete monopoly that all police forces signed up to. Remember this is the outfit that misinformed parliament in the recent High power and lever release rifle debate and also were behind the recent BBC production concerning antique weapons indicating that all the components to load cartridges could be bought online.

    It's also a fact that the number antiques firearms that have been linked to crime is actually falling from previous years. The four fatalities previously mentioned were over an eight year period. 

    Among their advisors is Dr. Peter Squires, an avid anti-gun academic who is based at Brighton University.




  12. I was absolutely gutted when we lost our pistols, it was my passion and I would dearly love to see a return, even with just .22's. However, I think that some of these petitions are counter productive. 

    Far from showing the powers that be there is a genuine ground swell of opinion is support of the cause, it shows how little support there is. I guess this petition will peter out at around 5-10,000 signatures and fade into the sunset. In another thread on this forum there's a post stating BASC now has 155,000 members, if all of these members signed, from just one organisation we would be half way there. This campaign needs to be co-ordinated at a national level and the associations really need to encourage their members to vote/sign. It's really not good enough to think why support .22 pistols when I only shoot driven game/wildfowl/clays what ever.

  13. 22 hours ago, mick miller said:


    Alan, I just used a drone camera plus radio link to mobile phone to make a target cam good to 600 yards. 

    Excellent Mick. I've had good range in open country but always disappointed with the camera/lens set-up. Eventually found a Sony handycam in a charity shop that gives good results. It has 30x optical zoom with a good lens and AV feed so can be placed well back from the target so gives little distortion. 

    It's entirely your fault I got started with 3d printing. I saw a little escutcheon that you made to fit round the display on your annealing machine and just knew I had to have a go.

    Mr Spandit did a bit of CAD for me so I thought I'd better have a bash at that too.

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