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Everything posted by neilp

  1. neilp


    why is it on some forums as soon as you call some one a mod they go power mad ? they remind me of the film judge dred ..... you know sivester stelone ..... I AM THE LAW... surly this and other forums are for us to swop info . I think the mods on here are on the same level as a fox waiting to pinche a chicken sly and nowt better to do . HOW MANY TIMES DO THE MODS HELP COMPARED TO THE TIMES THEY BAN OR CHASTICE PEOPLE.sorry thats me rant bet its of in ten
  2. neilp

    Pins Cousin?

    at least the horns would be handy to hold onto
  3. neilp


    can anyone tell me a good site to get a smoker from or how to make one plus what saw dust to use and from wher cheeres
  4. anusol put under ya eyes is suposed to take away wrinkles but god bless the makers for me butt
  5. have u started up the new cooking tips and tools section
  6. is it 12g 410 or 20 bore :(
  7. army serplus at tow law £15 each they have loads of sizes
  8. nice to see you all today pity i was last but still happy as it was my first try at clays .
  9. hope this helps and works www.gamekeeperstrvs.org.uk
  10. try making pies and selling them or get a stall at the races like hugh :blink: :blink:
  11. even better what about one of them pigeons with the brai ne inplant it could fly to other fields and bring birds back.sorry about spelling
  12. neilp


    would love to hear from any 410 users what they like and what u use them for? yes before u say it i know shooting lol
  13. what cartridge is your favorite for general shooting im using ely 12g hb pigeon 32 gram.but would love to hear your apinion.sorry if spelling wrong. lol
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