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Richard V

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Everything posted by Richard V

  1. So a FAC holder only can own a 8 shot S/A but not a 3 shot?
  2. Funny this topic has come up I've just registered these past few weeks and my first session is next Thursday in a hotel strangly enough.
  3. The photo licence came in the late 90's due to the EU's first licence directive, along with requiring extra testing for cats B+E (<3.5 tonne vehicle with trailer), C1 (vehicle >3.5 and <7.5 tonne) and more categories I can't remember. What makes me laugh is they replace a paper licence with a photocard licence AND A PAPER COUNTERPART so nothing has really changed on that front apart from you have to spend money on updating a photocard every few years
  4. Very true I can't wait for the return of 8%+ savings and 0% super balance tranfers however having a credit card at -3.35% and being able to claim free scuba diving experiance days for 2 can't be too shabby
  5. As others have suggested get a 0% credit card for purchases, best ones (i.e longest introductory period) can be found here:- http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/cards/best-0-credit-cards Credit cards are nothing scary if you use them correctly. My current credit card has a -3.35% (negative) interest rate (£5,300 "debt" at 0%, which is mirrored by £5,300 "cash" in an ISA account paying 3.35% interest) and how I've done that is I've put all of my usual spending on the credit card (so petrol, food, clowncil tax, clays and carts, etc until I've maxed out the card) and put the cash what I would of spent in the ISA, mirroring the "debt" on the credit card. This method requires dicipline so making the mininum payment (1% of the outstanding balance) +£1, making the payment on time, and paying off the card with the "savings" before the 0% ends. At the end I end up with the interest earned off the free credit, plus loads of points I can redeem for vouchers, experiance days, etc more info here http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/cards/stooze-cash-credit-cards Other uses for 0% credit cards are paying off insurance in 1 go so you're not paying the daft rates when paying insurance monthly, and do what you're about to do. I personally would put the whole £2,500 on a 0% credit card (if you can get a limit that high), put the £1,700 in a ISA, and simply make sure you have at least £2,500 by the time the 0% ends to pay it off, you've earned interest off a purchase, instead of paying interest on a loan, plus it increases your credit worthiness (handy for a mortgage application in the future, etc). This will only work if you make at least the min payment +£1 every month, and on time, and for gods sake make sure you have £2,500 in the ISA by the time the 0% ends so you can pay it off, otherwise you'll either be paying the hideous interest rates, or have to balance transfer to another 0% card (which incurs a fee of around 1%)
  6. I think that's just for Chritmas Bren, I believe the rest of the year it's open Wednesday/Weekends only
  7. A clowncil has already tried to bring in a similar idea http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/want-to-walk-home-thatll-be-16-council-introduces-pedestrian-permit-for-residents-wanting-to-walk-through-car-park-to-their-homes-8222755.html?fb_action_ids=10151260701990189&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=246965925417366
  8. I personally don't bother complaining where it will eventually get filed in "B.I.N", I simply don't pay the TV licence legally by watching post broadcasted TV programmes I do like over the internet, denying a left leaning media company it's forced revenue is more effective IMO, and the monthly letters from them are a hoot
  9. I organised a corporate day for works social club to go clay shootingin the summer. A few weeks after that I applied for my SGC so I guess I've introduced myself into the hobby. After telling work colleagues this one of them applied for his SGC, and another is a regular who borrows my gun, but won't get his own until he gets better. Another colleague goes now and again but at the moment isn't interested in getting a gun. Another colleague wants to apply once he moves from his parents in laws and his dad who was a previous SGC/FAC holder is half interested in reapplying, and could be soon So from 1 corporate shoot has spawned 2 SGC holders, 3 possibles, and a now and again'er
  10. Yeah myself and Cliff loved the day, and loved the fact that wildfowler12 used to live next door but 1 to where I live cheers
  11. It really does pay to shop! BTW, here's a pair of section 5 lights http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/pistol-lamps
  12. It's on this link here http://www.manchesterclayshooting.com/opening_times/opening.htm
  13. http://www.419eater.com/ I'm suprised no one has posted the above link yet.
  14. Weather looks awful for the 23rd, hope it's wrong
  15. http://www.secretsofthefed.com/guns-used-in-school-shooting-were-already-illegal-the-28-murders-were-too/
  16. I don't charge family however I charge others for clays and carts, which is £20 for 50. A work colleague comes very regularly. I've been trying to persuade him to get a SGC but he seems content in paying the £20 and using my gun every time. If you pay for everyone to shoot clays then that's good however I simply cannot afford to, maybe when I become a millionaire
  17. Thanks for that I have noticed that the shop sometimes provide plastic. I'll get plastic from now on save some £££.
  18. The UK as a whole is 52nd in the world, with a density of 663/mile2. China is indeed 82nd with a density of 365/mile2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_population_density With regards to England the torygraph puts it at 1,010/mile2 in 2008, which is about 30th http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1930010/England-to-be-most-crowded-in-Europe.html. As far as I can see countries from 1-30 isn't as large as England, consiting mainly of China's Special Administritive Regions, islands and micro states such as the Vatican City, which has a very small area. It won't suprise me if it is the most crowded in Europe, but it's definitly up there.
  19. http://www.ons.gov.u...n=tcm:77-235198 Under "Long Term International Migration: 2 Series - LTIM, 2010" I'm afraid it's in a .zip file, however it's table 2.01a LTIM Citizenship 1991-2010 which is of interest. I draw to your attention the "balance" part of the table (i.e net immigration) which shows 353,000 net immigration from Eastern Europe between 2004 and 2010. Overall net immigration is 2,714,000.
  20. I don't get students. They claim that they're skint yet they're happy to pay upwards of £10 to pay for the privilage of going into what's essentially a shop (AKA a nightclub) to pay £4 a pint, and now they're wasting perfectly good milk :lol: Well it's their money
  21. I would go but Boudicca at work has banned me from days off this week as it's "month end" and so I need to burn as many things as possible. She looks fierce Bren, and she is, so I cannot argue with her. Have fun!
  22. This is the main reason why I swaped my car for a motorbike 3 years ago. Under 25 and paying about £110/yr on a 500cc. The bikes, test, etc has paid itself off a couple of times over. If I ever have a family and insurance is still silly money I might get a sidecar as I'm sure the cost of that will be the eqivalent of 1 year car insurance!
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