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Posts posted by JohnfromUK

  1. 1 minute ago, old man said:

    I would personally like to see the BBC stripped of its protected status

    I don't disagree there.  The major complaint I have is that those who are 'presenters', such as Andrew Neil, John Humphreys, Jeremy Paxman etc. have to be above politics/issues.  Their job is to present facts not opinions, and to draw opinions from their interviewees.  The interviewees do have opinions - and as such it is the duty of the presenter to ensure that the opinions are presented on both sides in equal measure.  We saw in the recent election the presenters trying to control (with limited success) politicians and make sure everyone got their views heard - but crucially no views were expressed or supported by the presenters themselves.  This is absolutely critical to keeping a neutral stance.  If the presenters have views - they must keep them strictly to themselves and not express them - either in the broadcast, or in their outside lives.  That is why they are paid high salaries.

    Packham has strong views on one side - and does not keep them to himself.  That should totally rule him out as a presenter.  In my view he has no place as a presenter.

  2. 1 hour ago, old man said:

    Packham and the BBC, unbiased? Just choked on my Cornflakes.

    Apologies for choking you.  Serves you right for eating cornflakes - should be BACON.  🤣

    I did say "supposed to be impartial".  My point is that Packham should not be employed/given air time by the BBC - who are supposed to be impartial.  As we know - they are far from it.

  3. 1 minute ago, hodge911 said:

    Well that's what I think

    I agree - and much of the 'authority' he has comes because he is on the BBC - traditionally unbiased and authoritative - and not giving air time to pressure groups and 'cranks'. 

    I wish that was true of the BBC.  It may have been once but now .........

  4. Packam is a high profile individual who one might say 'encourages' these events by his outspoken and divisive attitudes.  As such it is almost inconceivable he doesn't have comprehensive CCTV - in which case this will (should anyway) be available to the police.  If he has chosen not to have CCTV, or won't share the recordings with he police, that in itself is a pointer that he (or his supporters)  may have engineered and stage managed this for publicity.

    If you take the confrontational stance on controversial matters that he does, protests and attacks are of course a possibility - which is why he should have CCTV as I'm sure the police and his insurance will have advised.  I'm not supporting, or condoning any action against him, but his own conduct as a high public profile person makes such action highly likely.

    That in itself makes him completely unsuitable for a publicly funded (the BBC is in effect publicly funded) role in a broadcaster who is supposed to be 'impartial'.

  5. 6 hours ago, Davyo said:

    I keep hearing the word 'meter reader'.I've never had an energy provider that's came out to read my meter's.If I dont send the readings in via an app,they just estimate it.

    It is a legal requirement I believe that the meter be read and inspected periodically - I believe at least once every 2 years.  This is for both gas and electricity.  I'm not sure it applies to water.

  6. 4 minutes ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    I am no expert but just done a bit of research on t'net and general opinion is that the "soft soldered" ribs, especially Perrazi will melt if shot too much.

    I have to say - I think I would not want to handle a gun with my fingers that close to a temperature that would melt (even soft) solder.  My AyA barrels were hot - but well below water boiling point (we tried a little drop from a water bottle!).  I'm guessing they were 60 to 70 Centigrade (roughly the temperature of a heating system 'flow' pipe).

  7. 5 minutes ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    I believe AYA's are silver soldered

    I think you are probably right.  I do know someone who used a nice old English gun on a simulated day where cartridges were provided - but they were 2 3/4" cartridges and he fire a lot of them through a 2 1/2" chambered gun ............ and had a bill that would have bought a couple of good days real game shooting for his troubles!

  8. When I have done them I use about 30 - 50 cartridges a drive through an AyA No 1 s/s.  Gets very hot, but not damaged gun so far!

    1 minute ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    the ribs start to peel off due to the different expansion rate of the barrels/solder/rib?

    That seems much more likely.  In fact soft solder is quite 'flexible'.  Harder solders less so.

  9. 3 minutes ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    due to the heat of the barrels.

    If they got that hot they would melt plastic cased cartridges.  'Ordinary' plumbers and electrical solder is about 190 Centigrade, hard solder, silver solder about 400 Centigrade - brazing similar.

  10. 14 hours ago, DUNKS said:

    Hi. We obviously approach clay shooting with different attitudes. We shoot for fun and because we love the different guns. Yes there are the dedicated competition shooters at our clay ground going about their serious business in there £500 Gilets and their competition guns. Good luck to them, most are nice guys. I notice you use the word "competitors" We don't compete we just have fun and shoot with un suitable guns.

    I am completely with you on this; I use everything from a Darne, through hammer guns, side by sides to modern(ish) o/us.  It's the way I enjoy shooting.

    14 hours ago, DUNKS said:

    BUT we don't half shoot well!

    Still working on this bit!

    Seriously though and on topic - I think the advice to try as many as you can.  I have always found that on any clays ground there are many who are very helpful and willing to let you try their pride and joy.  You will find that some don't feel quite right for you, but you will probably find one that does.  Get the type and measurements ...... and off you go.

  11. Some years ago I occasionally used to look after a friends house where he had holiday lets for which there was a heated indoor pool.  This had a filter and heat exchanger remote from the pool in a small plant room.  Certain operations were only to be done (for safety reasons) when no one was using the pool.  I don't now remember the details, but one was 'topping up' the chemical level - which had to be tested daily - and if it needed topping up there was a period of 'mixing' before people could use the pool again.  I don't remember exact details now, but the owner was very careful to avoid risks.

    The pumps used were quite small (not dissimilar to a central heating pump) and ran continuously to circulate the water through the heating and filter  There were large (compared to say a person's foot) grids on water inlets/outlets.  I cannot see the pump suction being strong enough to pull people to the centre or under the water.  Chemical was added by diverting the circulating water through a separate vessel which contained the chemical.

    It is difficult to see how (in that installation anyway) the water circulation system could put a swimmer at risk.

  12. Good quality brushes and mops in 20 here



    I agree with this

    45 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Ok for a quick blow through at the end of a day away from home, but no substitute for scrubbing with a pb brush when at home!

  13. I have had gout several times.  A others have said, horribly painful. 

    1. It is sometimes brought on by dehydration; make sure you get plenty of water.
    2. Certain diet things can bring it on - but this varies from person to person (shellfish and beer are particularly bad for me)
    3. The fastest relief can be got by taking colchichine (prescription only) but this is limited in how much you can take, how often you can take it, and has bad stomach side effects in some people
    4. If you get it regularly, allopurinol can be prescribed - but it is an 'on for life' once started.

    At present I take care with diet avoiding things that trigger it and make sire I drink at least 2 to 3 pints of fluid a day - more in hot weather.  I have a 'standby' supply of colchicine prescribed and at the first sign take it - which usually means an outbreak is over quickly and much less painfully.  I typically get about 1 or 2 outbreaks a year.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Read today about some idiotic stupid QC ...yes a QC,  putting,  actually bragging on the web that he had bludgeoned a fox to death with a baseball bat.   Great help that.

    In fact I can understand him doing that (although he should have kept quiet about it of course) because it was (allegedly) caught in wire after trying to kill his hens.  Not a fieldsports issue and to my mind does highlight how urban foxes are not all nice cuddly creatures.

  15. 18 hours ago, Eyefor said:

    If you're looking for wellies then take a look at the Le Chameau clearance site here https://www.lechameau.com/gb/clearance-sale.html where there are some really good deals.

    If you see something you like, add it to the basket, input your details - and then leave the site.

    Within 10 - 15 minutes you'll receive an email giving a code offering a further 10% off.

    Return to the site (your previously entered details are still there) add the core and complete the payment section = even better price!

    Thank you for this; I have a pair of very comfortable neoprene lined 'vierzonord' wellies that after over 10+ years use are getting rather cracked.  I have used this offer (and your tip) to order a replacement pair.  If they are as good as the old pair I will be well pleased, but I have seen reports that the more recent ones are less well made.  We will see.  (Also got a free boot jack with that model)

    Note that John Norris (my usual 'go to' site) had a better price, but not available in my size, so it pays to shop around

  16. I was given foody/edibles - all of which are very welcome and will be enjoyed over the coming weeks/months.  Nothing to pass on - though some of the sweeter things (biscuits) will go for our 'after clays coffee' as too many sweet things/biscuits are off the agenda for me.

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