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Posts posted by JohnfromUK

  1. It seems that Richard Burgon one of the candidates for the deputy leadership wants "Labour Party Members" (not Parliament, the cabinet, the electorate, but PARTY MEMBERS) to have a veto over UK international military policy.  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7973361/Corbynista-Richard-Burgon-wants-let-580-000-party-VOTE-decide-Britain-WAR.html

    He is supported by Diane Abbott (of course).

  2. 52 minutes ago, motty said:

    I wouldn't want a gun with cylinder chokes.

    I have an old hammer gun, true cyl both (Damascus) barrels - and at 'normal' ranges it is a very good clay breaker.  Some years ago, a friend (I'm not good enough) shot a 24/25  on DTL(!) with it with 1oz fibre loads - there really can't be much wrong with the patterns to do that.

    I have heard that true cylinder is rather more cartridge dependant than a bit of choke, but how true that is, I can't say for certain.

  3. 40 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Imagine a state creates and release's a virus to which they have a vaccine. Tell the world about the terror rather than keep quiet as might otherwise be the case. A few weeks on with the world on edge waiting for an outbreak, announce a miracle cure that your universities have created.

    Sell the vaccine world wide, gain Kudos for creating such a drug and saving the world all at the same time. 

    You've been reading too many cheap paperbacks! 🤣

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    the bleeding hearts are already talking about challenging it

    Sharmi Chakrabarti is a 'stirer' who is frequently against 'punishment' and many aspects of what might be called 'law and order' and was a director of Liberty (the civil rights and human rights protest group) - in which post she campaigned against 'anti terrorist' legislation.  She opposes private education ......... but sends he own offspring to private fee paying school.

    A typical Labour hypocrite who likes to stir to keep herself on the front page.  I suspect she will campaign to have these convicted terrorists released ........ but not to her street.

  5. 39 minutes ago, wymberley said:

    Can't help but feel somewhat sorry for the OP

    The original question was "Is it possible to get the gun choked or will it be ok for the aforementioned activities?" and is in two parts;

    I think part one has been answered in that - Yes - you could get it choked such as by Teague, or possibly by other boring, but it might be costly for what is an inexpensive gun.

    Part two has been answered in that - Yes - it will be OK; not perhaps ideal for everything, but fine for the OP's intended use, especially if the cartridge is selected to suit.  The general consensus is not to get unduly worried over having a particular choke/chokes for 'general purpose' use.

  6. 59 minutes ago, London Best said:

    For pity’s sake, stop fretting over theoretical patterns and ranges and get out and do some shooting.

    This /\

    I have a number of guns - mostly fairly 'vintage'.  I cannot remember what chokes are in them exactly other than none are greater than half - nor do I care.  At all 'normal' ranges and for an average shot - it really isn't that important.

    If you are a really top notch shot - and shooting clays at a high competitive level - choke may matter to you - but it is very unlikely you would be shooting a short barrelled s/s when shooting clays competitions.

    My AyA s/s does me well - and I don't concern myself about the chokes (can't remember what they are).  They are what they are and it performs better than my marksmanship at all ranges I am likely to shoot at.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    All this idiotic talk of being 'left behind'

    If you stand there wringing your hands and crying "woe, woe and thrice woe" like Senna the soothsayer (Up Pompei) - then you will be left behind.

    What is KEY is that what Boris Johnson's government team actually follows through on what he has said in the speech.  That needs a team that will be dynamic and will have to kick some rear ends.  I suspect his team will not rise to the challenge.

  8. 8 minutes ago, stumfelter said:

    Could someone please explain to me why the street has to be closed off for so long after the event?

    There will need to be a massive evidence gathering session.  Without any doubt the lefty human rights overpaid lawyers will be looking to get huge 'compensation' payments from the Police for the dead man's  contacts (actually more about mischief making for the 'Authorities'). 

  9. 1 minute ago, Dave-G said:

    or dropping them out of a plane mid Atlantic would be an impossible hope.

    I have to admit to having some sympathy for this - when these are people who would 'mass murder' as many of us as possible given half a chance.  They have no place in at large in the community.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Dibble said:

    I've now realised my son and I were within 20 meters of the shop he took the knife from when we noticed people running both ways, the road was still open. It takes 5 minutes to drive home from there and India99 was hovering nearby when we pulled up. I presume over the hostel he lived at which is 200 meters from my house.


    Firstly - I'm glad you are all safe - and hope you remain so.

    This business highlights the problem with having people 'on the loose' in our community who want to destroy it and what it stands for.  I don't pretend to know the answer - but when you know certain individuals wish to destroy our society - it cannot be right and sensible to allow them to roam around freely - even if they are under (no doubt very resource hungry) surveillance.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Dougy said:

    And i have access to my own medical records do i not ? 


    Anyway John This is being discussed on a different topic in "general Shooting Matters"😉

    You do - you can request them (for which there may be a modest charge).  Whether the police will accept them 'via you' is a different question.

    You are right - we are off topic!  I will apologise and shut up 😇

  12. 15 minutes ago, Dougy said:

    Yet i need to pay for a GP for their professional opinion on someone they don't know very much about, that is apart from having contracted chicken pox, a broken arm, a broken hand and stitches from a knife wound and all of this was well over 30 years ago. Yet they are to decide if i am (your words) suitable or not to own a firearm !!!


    The GP is specifically not asked if you are suitable to own a firearm.  That decision is entirely up to the police.  The GP is asked to provide your medical record FACTS (not opinions) and make a note on the records that you have a firearm.


  13. It seems that the police are now taking these things seriously (or it may be are now allowed to take these things seriously).

    People actively engaged in terrorist activity are (in my view) legitimate targets.  I hope this sends a clear message - engage in terrorism and you will receive NO mercy.

  14. 6 hours ago, figgy said:

    Some said I've shot enough game for my lifetime. A few still involved with shooting in beating line etc.

    I have also seen this - and have some quite strong sympathies with the view myself.  However, I greatly enjoyed my final day of the season yesterday in dry, bright and mild (if a bit windy) conditions.

  15. 8 hours ago, Smokersmith said:

    I do believe that you need to be hungry to do well.

    Not disagreeing that is the case much of the time. 

    I am at best a rather 'average' shot - and not a serious 'competitive' shot.  I do have a good day now and again, but also have bad days not infrequently.  I find I sometimes do well on days when I'm not 'hungry' but relaxed and just out for a bit of 'quality time' with friends and like minded people.

  16. 1 hour ago, panoma1 said:


    I too push my left hand forward of the forend (virtually straight arm) when firing a SBS with a SHS....

    Me too; in fact one of my s/s is a lightweight and has a quite 'abbreviated' splinter style forend - nothing to grip, but all my s/s my had goes on the barrels (mostly) in front of the forend.  In hot weather - or for a flush - I use either a glove or a hand guard - or you get your fingers burned.  I am also not either tall or long armed and have small hands.

    I also prefer straight hand (and double triggers on my o/u guns).

  17. 1 minute ago, Gordon R said:

    I am a bit concerned about going to sleep at night. After years of placards stating "The end of the World is nigh",  it may well cease to exist after tonight.

    Tomorrow will be much like today, and every other day.  Even the weather will be similar, but it may look a little brighter.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    She said she would spend the evening reading a book.

    Perhaps she was misquoted?

    It may have meant "making a book" on the odds of the sun appearing on Saturday morning?

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