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Posts posted by JohnfromUK

  1. Note that this is general, and not Winchester specific, though I suspect Winchester will follow the usual pattern.

    As you say, undo the screw in the forward lump and they should remove.  They are 'mirror images' of each other, held by a single screw with the end turned down to a sort of 'peg'.  As far as I know, if they are 'split' into a pair like that - it is always an ejector (or capable of being one).  Non ejectors have a single piece extractor because it is never needed to extract a single barrel.

    Some ejectors are capable of being 'turned off' by a catch/screw on the forend so that they can be used as a non ejector, or sometimes people remove the ejector springs  (which are in the forend) to make a gun into a non ejector.

    It is also possible for ejectors to get out of adjustment and not eject, but if both barrels are not ejecting it seems more likely that it has been 'switched off' deliberately.

  2. On 23/12/2019 at 16:34, Rewulf said:

    And now ladies and gents, its the moment youve been waiting for.....!

    On a similar humorous note, I hear that Jeremy Corbyn sent many of his 'followers' advent calendars.  However there was a problem when the recipients discovered that they couldn't open the door of No. 10.

  3. I'll own up to not having used it!  Instructions here; https://www.renapur.com/how-to-use/

    My bag is used for my clays kit, earplugs, glasses etc., so gets only light dry use and I have not had to treat it yet.  I also have a Croots sleeve, but again, I usually use a 50 year old Brady rexine one that is a bit like 'Triggers broom' in that it has had new zip, handle, strap ...... but it fits my 28" shortish stock gun much better. 

    I would think 'sponge any mud off, allow to air dry (NOT on a radiator), then treat as per instructions sparingly.  Much of my older kit has been maintained in this way with various products over the years.

  4. I had a similar problem - and went Office 365 route.  Like you I only really use Word and Excel.  I did (briefly) try Pages and Numbers (the Mac equivalents) and found them awful - really awful.

    Open Office was OK, but had enough 'differences' that I went the 365 route and haven't been disappointed.

  5. 35 minutes ago, muncher said:

    but paper cartridges were a pain there must be a better material that can be used .

    The only problem I ever had with paper cartridges was the price.  I never had any swell because I took care to keep them dry.



  6. 2 minutes ago, oowee said:

    The EU may not be prepared to do it step at a time. 

    When the government had no majority - and a Parliament who didn't want Brexit, the EU had a strong hand, mainly because the remainer group in Parliament aided by the biased Speaker and the Labour party who conspired to remove the best cards in the p.m.'s hand.

    It is totally different now, and the EU may find they need to be a bit less 'dictator' and a bit more 'negotiator'.

  7. 1 hour ago, London Best said:

    Choke lightens the bag IMO.

    I would agree with you for the vast majority of 'normal range' game shoots, combined with No 6 or even 7 shot.  My game guns are mostly improved and quarter, although I do have some 1/4 and 1/2. 

    There are some of the 'ultra high bird' specialists who use large shot sizes (no 4 or even No 3) through a very tight choke to get sufficient pattern and striking energy for the ranges that are involved.  However such people don't tend to uses s/s.  My AyA Senior has an additional set of very tightly choked  30" barrels that are never used.  the 'primary set' are 1/4 and 1/4.  I believe the additional barrels were made for 'high pheasants'.

  8. 4 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

    Over the last couple of years especially  , the politicians of all all parties have shown themselves to be little more than lying cheating scoundrels,and many of them seem to be on the very edge of lunacy , it's been difficult to find a shred of integrity in any of them

    True, but the underlying thing for me was this difference;

    • I believe Johnson fundamentally likes and wishes to retain this country much as it has been with its traditions and history, flawed as they may be - and that is how many of us like it
    • Corbyn on the other hand hates most of what this country stands for and its traditions, and history - and wants to 'radically reform' it.

    That was a decider for many I think

  9. 1 minute ago, Rewulf said:

    Corby has decided he sort of won the election really....

    Best one I heard was a Labour female saying they lost because Corbyn & Co had offered a 'mainly social democratic' manifesto and not the proper 'radical reforming socialism' manifesto that people wanted!

    Quite frightening really how anyone can genuinely think that.

  10. 7 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

    they have always been the same.

    I don't think so; Blair was different.  He was a nasty grasping individual, with more interest in 'spin' than the truth, and I have only contempt for him.  Arguably he was the first to be a blatant liar in politics (as you observe, previously politicians had at least been careful not to be too obvious).  But he wasn't very lefty - in fact - he was a near Tory in economics and largely believed in 'free market' economics and controlling spending quite tightly, was certainly not a disarmer (quite the reverse).

    Callaghan was also different - in that I think he was actually quite a well meaning person in many ways.

    I would not trust any of the present Labour lot, and I can't think of any others I would trust, but at least the Tories are of a similar line of thinking to me (whereas Labour are not).

  11. 9 minutes ago, spandit said:

    The same man who lost a leadership election to Ed Milliband?

    Believe me; it's better to have a loser leading the Labour party.

    6 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Chuka Umana stood down because he wanted to spend time with his family.

    That was the story, but the rumour was someone somewhere had something on him, probably extramarital, possible more 'complex'.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    Starmer has a boring personality.  True

    Rayner has a rather unfortunate personality.  Thats an understatement!  She is a rude interrupting bully.

    Becky Long Bailey is bright enough, but will suffer by association with Jezzer.  and a bit to the left of Hugo Chavez

    Yvette Cooper has no personality.  TRue

    I said months ago that David Milliband will be biding his time  I don't think the left (that pull the strings) will let him have a run at a seat

    Lady Emily Nugee has the finest sneer expression I have ever seen.

    Diane Abbott is too good really and should be kept for chancellor


  13. 1 minute ago, Lord v said:

    The Labour proposals to nationalise everything they could possible get their hands really didn't help them.

    There was some Labour female (didn't get name) on the radio today claiming that they lost mainly because the offered a mild social democratic manifesto rather than a radical socialist programme which is what their core voters really wanted.

  14. 1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

    This morning somebody, I'm not sure if it was Corbyn or somebody speaking for him, said he had been a victim of a smear by the media. Since the labour view of the media (often repeated in the past) was that the media was controlled by jewish money it appears to a veiled anti Semitic conspiracy theory is developing.

    I'm sure the Corbynistas will recognise  the hidden message in the statement. They just can't help themselves can they? 

    And the rest of us will treat it with the contempt it deserves..   

    No less a Labour 'grandee' than Ken Livingstone claimed Labour's defeat was engineered by the Jewish lobby.

  15. 9 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    A great shame as he is one of the biggest assets Boris could rely upon.

    The majority Boris now has, he shouldn't need to rely on that for a full 5 year term

    12 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    does labour go back to being moderate or does momentum and their cronies put a JC mk2 into the leader seat.

    Good question: I think they have altered their selection procedures to pretty much guarantee the left, and the unions call the tune - and MPs get virtually no say.

  16. 1 minute ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Corbyn resigned as leader of the party.

    He has only said he won't stay as leader ....... for the next election (which may well be 5 years).

    However we have cleared a lot of dead wood including Grieve, Soubery, Umuna, Pidcock, Swinson, Gawke.

  17. Just now, Scully said:

    Thanks, I realise that. I was reacting to the post of Mice! saying they ‘ ask for no ID, polling card, anything’.

    Understood; it's a weak system and the papers are already full of reports that people have been to vote only to find their vote has already been cast.

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