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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. All of the Crusades.

    The Troubles in Ireland

    Rwanda 1994

    Boznia-Herzegovina (and by extension Kosovo)

    The Ivory Coast civil wars


    East Timor civil war

    Sri Lankan civil war

    Current Iraqi civil war

    Hezbollah vs. Israel

    Syria vs. Israel

    Kashmir civil war

    Chechnya civil war


    Thirty Years War


    and god is are saviour !!

  2. yep i found the same when i first joined ,i was told it was a good forum ,but was not told about the keyboard warriors ,and trolls that just try and say you are wrong ,i can give as good as i get ,best just ignore them ,there is still good lads on here and some great idea's

  3. yep just keep an eye out ,go early morning at dawn ,then try midday and then at dusk ,all down to weather and were there feeding as well ,but there is no set time , we've been out all sorts of times and not seen them and then seen loads ,if you have and woods or copse then you will get a roost shoot late afternoon

  4. Yeah, ban them and balloons, oh and clowns, I don't think clowns are dangerous, I just hate them, Yeah ban them as well, Unless we can set them on fire and watch the float higher and higher before going out and hurtling earthwards to their death. Did I mention I hate clowns.


  5. i work in a very big building and when i go on the roof to check on it there are about 2 or 3 a month burnt out ,we have a ash felt roof and i would hate to think of the damage it could do if it caught alight ,it seems to be ok to set something alight and let free to drop and litter ,if a copper seen you drop a crisp packet .bet he would do you ,,there again all you have to do is say the word fireworks lol

  6. I haven't seen anyone mention this yet.

    Brian May was on Farming Today on Radio 4 this morning talking about the badger cull.


    The part that got me was approx 8 mins in when he was asked about violent or direct action and he said "I can't talk about that" or similar words. In my opinion he can talk about about that and refused the opportunity to condemn or disown any violence or illegal activity.


    In fact he kept using very emotive words such as violence, civil war etc all the way through.

    Also claimed that the badgers would be destroyed and would never recover.


    It is approx 12 mins long. Worth a listen if you haven't heard it already http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b01mnr3b

    and the antis say we are the violent ones because we own firearms !!!
  7. are you a member of the BASC

    a good knife ,secetars ,and some para cord ,crow caller ,army basher ,toilet paper in a waterproof zip bag !! yes you might laugh ,but it comes in handy sometimes ,a few tesco bags and latex gloves for breasting out pigeon ,a good seat one that when you sit on it your knees are lower than your hips ,stops you getting dead legs in the hide ,i take a alloy one ,it might be a pain to carry for 10 min but when your sat there for hours you dont get cramp :)

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