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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. i put up the first comment and the rest followed ,ive just answered to the rest ,this is what a forum is for ?

    sorry forgot to say i was well pealed off with it the first few days ,and as people post there thoughts on here i thought it would de good to see what members thought


    Trolltastic :good: BB

    are you calling me a troll ?
  2. So, at the end of the day it was something that wasn't really bothering about but you felt it necessary to debate for 4 pages on here?

    i put up the first comment and the rest followed ,ive just answered to the rest ,this is what a forum is for ?
  3. I am sorry PP,


    But you realy need to sort your self out. I am not being smart, I am being sensible and hope to god that you have not been issued a FAC. If you have I would be quiet about it, becaue I admit I am not an expert but you do not in my eyes desreve to be an FAC holder

    could you tell me why i should not be issued with a FAC , i would just like to remind you iam a none threat to the public and anything in writing is a legal document ??
  4. I'm not a hater of you, but if I was caught driving whilst eating I would accept the punishment.The simple fact of this is that as I said earlier, the policeman in question was not caught in the act except by you and you failed to report the incident.


    If it really bothers you that much, why didn't you report it?

    i couldent be bothered as it would take to much tax payers money and it would of bee thrown out as he is a police man ,i just wanted to see what others thought of it all and i do like a good debate ,
  5. ok then one more question for my haters ,if you were caught eating while driving ,you then said to the copper ,i have been working long hours and haven't had a break and need a sugar rush ,what do you think the copper would say or do ???


    Please fill me in with your far superiour interpitation of the crime and recomenmded way of dealing with it.

    we must think alike on that one we have just asked the same thing lol


    ok then one more question for my haters ,if you were caught eating while driving ,you then said to the copper ,i have been working long hours and haven't had a break and need a sugar rush ,what do you think the copper would say or do ???


    we must think alike on that one we have just asked the same thing lol

    my point in all this is its ok for him to eat while diving but for you or me it would not be
  6. I am sorry PP,


    But you realy need to sort your self out. I am not being smart, I am being sensible and hope to god that you have not been issued a FAC. If you have I would be quiet about it, becaue I admit I am not an expert but you do not in my eyes desreve to be an FAC holder

    would you prove that in a court of law ,then if so please do ,just to let you know a forum is for debates as well
  7. why is a 98 year old pigeon called pete from mars,so interested anyway? are you a Troll? :yes: BB

    i love mars bars and they need to be treated with the up most respect ,pigeon pete was a name from a cartoon ,am not a troll i will just speak my mind like all of us on here , and iam old and wise lol
  8. The Sherriff did wrong, he was trying to keep himself going buy taking in fuel so that he can keep the law and look after KE like you. Please feel free to lodge a complaint I am sure that it will be reacted to with the reaction that you feel will be apt for the terrible crime

    oooooo getting smart with words now ,there is such a thing as a break at work ,
  9. yawn. plenty more what? insults? Was just trying to show you didnt explain the severe danger caused and it appears you threw your toys further and harder than anyone when you either A. didnt like questions or B. didnt like responses.

    no hard feelings

    you know the severe danger caused while eating and driving then lol
  10. cheek to overtake you with a face full of food. If you dont like answers / questions try to respond like an adult not a petulant child. Who was in danger? you from death by apolplectic rage at nothing?

    you were the one mocking my friend ,if you cant take it dont give it ,there lots more where that came from ,you seem to have a lot of toys ,it was a simple question ,but you chose to mock , whose the child digger ;-)


    Yep, that is right, we are all thick but tend to get excited buy things that are important, come on man, get a life. :hmm:

    i got one you should try it one day ,it was a simple question about a law man breaking the law
  11. So he was eating a mars bar whilst stationary and then had the cheek to overtake you whilst. ... chewing? priceless.

    no read it again he drove off while still eating it ,did i say chewing ,are you all thick then ,even more priceless or should i say brain less *****
  12. Exactly, get an ******* life mate. Who knows how long it had been since the guy had eaten. He might have been on the job for ages and needed a quick food fix. These guys don't need knob ends to be complaining about them because they were partaking in a much needed sugar resup on a busy shift. "I have the reg number" woopy ******* doo. OMG.

    that gives him the right to eat while diving and put others in harms way , whose the knob and need to get a life now ****
  13. Tell that to the taxi driver who got a fine and points for eating a hobnob whilst he was stopped in a jam that hadn't moved for several minutes! I'm generally on side of the police but if I can't eat whilst driving why should they? Same as stopping on double yellows, they're not the only people with busy jobs who are in a hurry to drop in and grab a bite to eat. They uphold the law, they're not exempt from it.

    :good: :good:
  14. well we went shooting instead of seeing the bomber ,we had a slow start ,6 pigeons and 2 crows ,we then watched pigeons for a hour flying over a bean field and into a wood ,so we just grabbed some ammo and four deeks and left the rest of the kit set up ,after half a mile walk we stood in the hedge and put out four deeks ,well as some of you know we haven't had much luck since xmass ,well all i can say is from 2:30 till 5pm we had a ball ,and didn't have time to roll a fag ,they were coming from all angles ,it was like pearl harbor,my m8 had to go back to get more ammo and bought back the kit ,barrels were hot ,as it settled down a bit we had time for a bit of food and a cupper ,i then went onto pigeon watch on my phone to see if any of you had seen the bomber ,i seen that 39TDS had upload a few photos and showed my m8 ,he said well at least we have had a good day on the pigeons!!,a short while later as we were talking we both looked at each other as we could hear a heavy whistling coming from behind us ,!!!!!!!!!!! we both got up and ran about 30 yards out from the hedge and looked up at the tree line and there see was coming right at us VERY low ,we both cheered like kids as she flow passed us and we were waving then a tip of the wing from left and right she then straightened up and flew down the valley and then banked right and headed towards fairford way ,well what a finish to the day ,i tried to get my phone out as fast as i could ,this is the best i could do as she was flying fast ,time of photo was 5 10pm ,and i shot 76 cartage s ,only picked up 20 odd and we know we lost count after 50 ,lost a lot in the woods and brambles .a day to remember



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