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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. There is no meaning to life, we are merely an arrangement of molecules that "works". I realised many years ago that I was unusual in not being afraid of death, my reasoning is that I have been dead for a trillion years before I was born, and I'll be dead for a trillion years after I die. No big deal.


    Whilst I'm here I intend to enjoy the very best that life has to offer, which is love of a good woman, love of my children and grandchildren, music, literature, food and beer.


    If you ever feel stuck in a rut try my simple trick. Stop what you're doing and look at the ground, say to yourself "I'm right here, right now, the past is done and I can go in any direction I choose". In fact, try it right now, it makes me smile.

    you do the same as me i thought i was the only one that thought like this ,thanks for this comment ,its been one of the most sensible ones ive heard for a long time :good:
  2. its not that anyone gives a **** its just interesting to see how people think, as you get older and time seems to speed up some will ask..what was all that about .... and did we make the most of what we have


    with you on the religion Pete....

    for got to tell you there is a god its me lol
  3. i don't want to start a war on here ,but my thoughts are ,there is no god ,i dont believe in religion,but don't have a problem with them that do ,i am here because mum and dad had a good time one night lol,religion causes 99% of war,i go down the same lines as science

  4. do you guys really think i am serous .ive had cats my self ,lol dont you all know when its time to have a giggle ,guys life is to short ,and as for anti i dont give a fly ********* about antis ,ive had death threats and they said they hope my kids die of cancer for eating meat ,so i dont care about antis

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