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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. only use WD40 as a water displacement don't leave it on your guns for more than 24 hours ,it can rust them to hell ,make sure you wipe it off then oil it ,if iam in a rush i tend to wipe with kitchen roll ,and i use BRUNOX TURBO SPRAY as spray gets in all the nooks and cranny's ,then next day total strip down,took mine out on sat afternoon , didn't clean till 3pm Sunday and there was the brown stuff starting to appear on the worked parts of the gun ,mind you i was in that thunder storm for 2 hours and it was helling down ,if its been a cold day but no rain i get it out the slip and strip it down and let get to room temp as the metal will condensate as soon as it gets into a warm room ,leave for a good hour the clean and put away

  2. it was Freddy that made the band famous ,queen died when Freddy died , brain may is cashing in on it ,i have always said this before i even knew he was a anti , didn't think much of him then and i don't think much of him now,i wont say what i think of him as ive had one warning from the mods on PW for bad language lol

  3. when i come home from work i will upload some pics for you and if you want to go this way ,i will give you a low down how to build it ;-) ,i use this sort because it gives you more storage room in the boot ,my bother in law has a rock and roll bed ,there good but you loose room ,the hardest part of my way is getting a good cheap caravel seat ,but once you have one they bolt straight in ;-) me and my wife love ours been surfing and camping loads of times and loads of room in the bed and well comfy

  4. i will take some pics of mine if you want ,i made my own ,its like a parcel shelf and folds out as a bed ,i got a caravel seat from ebay and the bed is tucked behind it ,and got a folding mattress from ikea ,wood cost £70 mattress cost £69 seat was £70,ok if your good at DIY save a bit of cash ;-)

  5. went out again yesterday afternoon 2pm till 7pm ,the pigeons were in the same rape field as last week,so we set up along the same hedge ,there was 3 of us ,we had a gap in the hedge so we took it in turns to be back gunner ,i set deeks into the wind ,pigeons were coming in from all ways ,very strange no pattern to there flight ,we had a flapper and a bobber and a fan deek out ,had to pull in the fan and flapper in as they didn't like it ,THEN in come the black clouds ,well what a display ,lighting all around up down left and right ,rain like ive never seen before,3 of us under a poncho tied in the gap in the hedge for 2 hours ,but we still had the odd pigeon coming in ,we only had 25 but a good laugh ,i think the reason there was no pattern to the way they were flying in was over half of them shot were very young birds ,found another new flight line so we are going to try that next ,did see a lot more pigeons about so hopefully we will start getting bigger bags ,and the crows are back as the farmer has ploughed the field ,still got all the barley out

  6. would it be rats or stoats ?,we had a barn conversion a few years back and the rabbits would burrow in the sand over the weekends and have young ,we also had a load of old tin sheets next to it where we had rats,we would dig out the rabbits as we didn't want them in the mixer and a lot of the young had the back of there heads missing ,and we lifted up the tin sheets and in amongts the rats nest were young dead rabbits with heads chewed ?

  7. Thats a good way to do it never seen it that way before . Bet his bin smells tho

    i tend to do mine on the farm ,if it only a few i leave the rest of the body for the fox ,if its a lot i leave the rest of the body in the farm fire ,so there's no rotting body's everywhere always carry a handful of latex gloves and some shopping bags to carry breast home ,you can go from the neck end as well ,pull off wings and then bend neck back ,stick both thumbs down inside the bird and pull back the chest bone ,be careful as the spine can be sharp ;-)
  8. well were tired and hungry and dont fell like doing pigeons lol i breast them on the farm ,double bag the breast and put in fridge till next day ,cut out meat and wash and de shot them ,then make pies and a lot of mess in the galley , freeze the pies, kids go mad for pigeons and i hand the pies out to friends and family ,we have a PPP week ,petes pigeon pies lol ,i was told to sell them as there that good lol

  9. forgot to say i use white spirit to get the hard stuff off ,just be careful what blade you use as you dont want to scratch the bath or shower tray,and if you use any other solvent watch out it dont mark the bath or shower tray ,and make sure you wash it all off and its dry ,if its a bath then fill the bath with water,this will then sink the bath down and the seal with silicon ,wait 24 hours then let water out

  10. The mould in a silicone bead is usually caused by people spitting on a finger and using it to flatten the bead - font use anything to do with spit on it! Use a moist dowel rod to smooth it out. :good:

    Builders merchants , Plumb Center Berwick have a tool with 90 deg cutting edges for clearing old silicon, also a kit of devices for smoothing out new silicon without the need to spit. You can borrow mine if you are ever down this way.



    well your spit must be infected lol ive done this for 30 years and had no comebacks ,just the odd lip full of the stuff ,i tend to use a good make of silicon ,the biggest problem in showers is people peeing in the shower !!! and its soaps ,shampoos shower gel ,you never get mold around windows and doors ?
  11. aliens ,,,newt ,,,,we better get back it will be dark soon they mostly come out at night mostly


    deliverance ,,,,,,,,hillbilly ,,,he got a real pretty mouth ain't he


    forest gump ,,,,,"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  12. if you want a good straight line of silicone after you have cleaned the old stuff off ,get some masking tape and tape top and bottom of were the new joint is going and mask about 1/8 from each edge ,then run new silicon ,spit on finger and rub along silicone ,when happy with the finish remove masking tape straight away ,dont touch for 24 hours

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