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Posts posted by bottletopbill

  1. Past court cases involving children in care and divorce rows . Was told to log every thing ie  your care for the child how you meet the child's needs .Problems  with the partner and any issue's that arose. But told to say in the child's best interest why we done this and that. Does the child have a court guardian to ask them what the child wants and were they want to live. Just  keep calm. Told my brother in law to say to his partner speak to my lawyer as it was getting bad after a short time she hit him with some thing he went to hospital and when they went to court it came out about her hitting him. Child to stay with father due to mum being violent in the past.   Keep CALM,

  2. Just the right person talking to them and not talking down to them will get a better response and guiding them. Before you say i am  push over I was a little S--t at both my primary and secondary school got the stick at least three times per week and spent most of the time on report. And I was given a talking to and it worked spent all my life working in fostering and youth work.

  3. First thing is a child at risk by any one. If you feel harm could be done speak to a duty social worker 24/7  and raise the concerns or history they may hold on him. If it is going to court the children will get  a court guardian appointed by the court for the children's views. But always consider any child first

  4. Feel sorry for you as how can you turn your back but do you think he will change as he as not over time. Do you want to really loose your ticket put it back onto to the police ask them how are they going to stop him coming to your home. You have to decide to cut all ties it is hard but you have a life to.

  5. Those were the day's when you turned around  a copper was there  on push bikes or the old grey Velo  .  No radios but they knew what was going on in there area  and had there ear's to the ground .  But they were respected now a Joke .Form filling and kept indoors unless you visit a BP garage in Sidcup at least two there every time i pass

  6. Took my HW35E out last night 1971 version 22. Just had ten  minutes  at targets  have not shot with  it since buying last year.

    Shoot two rats and a squirrel will take it out again but might be up for sale soon as two good to sit in safe and would be a waste.  

  7. If they catch a rapist sentence them. A man who rapes women should be put in a female prison for twenty years hard labour. The guy raping men should do his time in a gay wing for other's to enjoy and abuse.   They will only enjoy it for a short while then after time will be screaming for humane right's 

  8. Had the same problem as you posted this on this site a Great guy from Dover took me under his wing  for a  weekend of shooting various calibre rifles and gave me a letter for Met police. Got 22lr ticket for 100 rounds only  so keep trying to get some one to mentor you . Hope you get your ticket

  9. If you live in south east/ Kent border try some at country way guns in west malling. Spent  over a thousand on one shotgun  and other guns more went to a shop in welling. Best gun I kept was a free one from a Pidgeon watch member a BSA x11  the rest got sold as i found this to suit me the best and fitted me

  10. 1975 First licence white post card no id  or permission or any proof at 18 years old kept gun laying around my bedroom as lived at home still. No one bothered to check my mate  used to walk past the police station at 4am with shotgun in bag never ever got a challenge and never had a licence we later found out. First shotgun was A Baikal £26.00 new hurt like hell 

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