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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. We usually pu the decoys out about 50-60 yards. We then bait crows about 100 yards away and then some slit open rabbits about 200 ish for the .243! We build a bench rest from a door on 4 fence posts and then build a commo net around it, all set up a few days before! Then sit back, relax and shoot all day! Usually we get into 100 fr the day between 3 of us, crows pigeons, rabbits etc.

  2. As I said in my first post before it was interupted, I have done and it works very well. I have also used a .17 HMR at longer ranges and this too works well. Head / neck shots still leaves plenty of meat!


    My mates and I do it once every summer on some large stuble field from the top of a hill and make a day of it. We usually find a rotary puts them off landing however!

  3. Come on then Wide Boy, tell me why a 28 bore is wrong to use on pigeons? I still use 6's which I believe the argument was about. Unless you have some other issue that noone else knows about.


    Noone said anything about it being a crime to draw birds into range, I said I thought it was illegal to bait to shoot wild birds. Apparently I am wrong although I do consider it very unsporting. Decoying is a completely different thing.


    I am not causing an issue with people shooting for fun. I just don't accept the "I am only doing this for PEST CONTROL" ******** I go shooting because I enjoy it and no other reason.


    Please get your facts straight before having a pop at me.

    Think Ive touched a nerve "wide boy". I dont need to get my facts right mate!


    From what Ive seen on this forum your far too quick to jump down the throat of anyone suggesting anything you dont agree with.


    A 28 bore on pigeons may well work fine. I took issue with the fact that you were constantly harping on at the fact that nothing less than 32 gram no.6 was humane for pigeons, then announce on another thread you sometimes use a 28 bore firing a much lighter load!


    How exactly is baiting unsporting? How is it any different from decoying? What the hell does baiting crows have to do with shooting sparrows on a bird table?


    As for shooting for pest control I have 2 farmer friends who do actually only shoot for pest control. They have no real interest in it as a sport. I have friends who do it puerly for fun. As for hunting for the pot, if thats the only reason someone does it then fine. People do shoot for different reasons.


    Hope to hear from you soon "wide boy"!!! :good:

  4. <_<

    Cheers Mate!


    First it was the crime of the century to use 7.5 28 grams on pigeons, despite myself having killed hundreds with such a load. To add insult to injury he then admits to using a 28 bore on pigeons!!


    Now it is a crime to draw birds into range!


    Why would I want to shoot Sparrows?


    Recently he has been causing issue with people shooting for fun or pest control!!

  5. Baiting is not illegal. Crows eat wild pheasant eggs so a fake nest of hens eggs draws them in.


    Whats so bad about baiting? I take it you never use decoys or a rotary.


    I am inclined to say you simply disagree with people on here for the sake of it, especially if their views do not agree with your " I am the perfect example" views.

  6. I do it every year! Myself and three mates have a permission back home in SW Scotland on a mates farm that is ideal!


    We get an old door and nail it to four fence posts to create a solid bench rest. We then all get a deck chair each and then put up a gazibo frame around it which is draped in cammo net. We then set decoys and bait out to around 300 yards with a large hill as a back stop. We then sit there all day shooting what comes in. In the past we have had pigeons, crows, rabbits, foxes etc etc. Last time we had a .22lr, 2 x .17HMR and a .243 with 75 grain Vmax for the long stuff. When it gets quiet you can practice on mole hills, clods of earth and targets set out at range!


    Brilliant day out!

  7. Seeing as it was such a nice day today I decided to go and thin out the crow population on our shoot as we have a lot of wild pheasants. I set up my hide and put a few crow decoys out and pigeon decoys. I have shot thousands of woodies and pheasants in my time but have never set out to target crows before. Anyway it worked quite well and I ended up with 18 in the bag however when picking up shot birds I found 7 that were still alive.


    These birds were hit hard and hit the ground with a thump yet were still alive five minutes later, not flapping or anything just moving when picked up. Are crows a particularly tough bird? I was using Hull High Pheasant 30gram no.6 through 1/2 and 3/4 chokes.


    What do you guys use if your going crow bashing?

  8. I used to have a UMAREX revolver which got about 50 shots per capsule. It was good fun and was really accurate. My mate and me set up tin cans at 60 yards and you could hit them fairly regularly! You will soon get bored of it however and the faster you fire the fewer shots per capsule you will get.

  9. He is one his own in a kennel and run during the day but I know plenty other dogs who are the same. Now it is mentioned when he does a stinky **** he is off food for a few days! When he has a day or two working he hammers the food down! He seems to be back on it now anyway!

  10. I would suggest Mr fortune reports these dangerous guns to the authorities because believe me if I came across a blatantly dangerous "Chav" I certainly would with a view to having his license revoked


    Believe me they were not Chavs! I dont want to get the wrong impression across, I do not witness things such as this all the time. I have seen 3 dangerous incidents in the last 3 years and 2 were commited by new guns who had "all the gear and no idea". It just got me thinking that the current system was a bit lacking.


    I know the vast majority of shots are safe and have been mentored by parents / friends / etc but there is a minority who seem to just take up the sport for something to do with little or no training.

  11. fortune I hope you won't mind paying the £200 or so for a days course as if it gets brought in there is no reason it shouldn't be thought of as a good idea for all shooters. Careful what you wish for as said as I believe there is already a company set up that would be ready to offer the training. Fundamentally you can drive with no experience all you need is an adult with you over 21 and plates on and you're fine to go on the road so why shouldn't people be able to teach their children to shoot safely?


    I havent said people shouldnt be able to teach their kids. After all you dont need to take lessons to pass your driving test do you?


    If everyone in the country with a SGC had to pass a test it would flag up those with safety knowledge problems and allow them to be shown the correct way. Why would that have to cost £200? Even if it did a course of lessons on a clay ground is probably more once you have a few.

  12. Here's a scenario.


    Dad wants to buy little Timmy an airgun for Christmas. He's a sensible lad and his dad wants to teach him to shoot.


    Dad looks at airgun and scope £250. Deep sigh, but his little Timmy is worth it.


    Dad looks at price of a cabinet £100


    Dad looks at price of Licence £50


    Dad looks at price of training course £50+


    Dad buys little Timmy a few xbox games instead.


    Don't regulate because of idiots abusing airguns. If anyone wants to push for it, it will be the government, don't give them silly ideas and do it for them.



    As for shotguns. If people run a clay shoot and let anyone roll up and shoot on their own before watching them put 10 carts up, that’s up to them. If it was my shoot, I'd make sure the new shooter knew what he was doing before letting him do his own thing. This I would do for my own peace of mind and more importantly, the safety of my other shooters. I guess that some shoots do this, some don't.


    If someone wants to buy a shotgun and shoot at woodies without a bit of prior reading, they are an idiot. Put them on a course and they will still be an idiot, but a fully sanctioned idiot.


    Who said anything about gun cabinets for airguns?


    As for clay shooting - there are 4 clay grounds within a 40 minute drive from my house, 1 an olympic training venue and none require you to shoot under supervision first.


    I have never been to a clay shooting ground in my life that required you to shoot under supervision first, have you?

  13. I dont get this "common sense cannot be taught" theme on here and "idiots will always be idiots."


    Picture the scene:


    Joe Blogs decides to take up shooting. He applies for a SGC and because he has no criminal record and says he will go clay shooting gets it granted. He then goes and buys a nice new gun and 1000 cartridges and walks off to the first stand.


    Does common sense tell him the gun is not safe even with the safety catch on?

    Does common sense tell him to check the barrel for obstructions regularly?

    Does common sense tell him not to fire when a piece of mud is in the end of the barrel?

    Does common sense tell him not to fire steel shot through a full choke?

    Does common sense tell him a wood pigeon is out of range at 60 yards?




    A course of compulsory training would educate him in these matters making him safer. I genuinely believe there are very few people who behave dangerously with a gun (or a car) because they want to hurt someone. If they are shown the consequences of their actions they usually change their way.


    As for air weapons picture the following.


    Young lad wants to get into shooting. Dad agrees to buy him an air rifle. Dad or son apply for Air Rifle licence and state plinking in back garden as reason. All is well.


    At the moment anyone can buy an air rifle. They can then cause all sorts of grief with said air rifle and may well face prosecution / confiscation of air weapon but what is to stop them going and buying another? Nothing. Obviously some people are prohibitted from buying weapons but what will physically stop them buying one? How does the shop keeper know they aint meant to have one? Some form of licence would mean only legitimate users would be likely to buy an air weapon. Those who mis use them would have their license revoked meaning no more air weapons for them.


    As for existing guns at the moment the police can go into a house and see an air weapon and know fine well its for breaking windows and shooting swans but do nothing about it. Without a licence it would be very easy to confiscate and prosecute.


    It makes sense but I sometimes think the shooting community as a whole are against change for the sake of it.

  14. People get alot of training and testing before getting a licence to drive a car. That doesnt stop people driving like idiots.


    Who is going to pay for the training? Who is going to enforce safe gun handling after the course is complete? Will everyone be forced to go on the course, regardless of past experience?:oops:?


    I can't believe I am reading other shooters trying to add more regulations to shooting. Thanks guys. While we are at it, can someone suggest putting all airguns on FAC and banning their use for hunting?


    For reference, how many people are injured through shooting accidents due to poor handling/safety?


    How many people on the road actually drive like an idiot? A tiny percentage. As I said before the training would solve any safety problems associated with lack of knowledge. As for airguns on some for of licence I think that would actually be a good way forward. At the moment you can walk into a shop and buy a potentially lethal weapon no questions asked.


    At least with airguns on a licence it would make it easier to get rid of Chavs with airguns causing problems.

  15. look at what it takes to get a driving licencse these days and people still drink drive/speed and commit other ofences cant see a shot gun test stoping idiots the only thing that will happen is the goverment will take plenty of money of us to get a ticket and test the only way to stop dangerous shots is to tell them and not invite them again


    "The only way to stop dangerous shots is to tell them" like during a training course in a safe environemnt. If you dont invite them again they will soon find somewhere else to shoot meaning more people put at risk.

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