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About Joshcup11

  • Birthday 08/10/1998

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  • Interests
    Hunting,Fishing,Clay shooting and anything outdoors

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  1. The 3.5 tonne was a exaggeration, I rarely need to tow that weight but it’s handy to be able too when neeeded, most of the towing is the better half’s horse, straw runs with the odd exception of picking a car up cheersjosh
  2. Cheers guys. Just to add to your suggestions, what about Nissan path finders? Anyone had any experience with these? cheers josh
  3. Hi all. Looking for advice i have a 5-6000£ budget. I’m looking for a 4X4 that’s capable of towing up to 3.5 tonne. Capable of ferrying me off lamping at night but nice enough to drive every day 30 odd miles to work and back, (up to Scotland twice a year) any reccomendations chaps? Navara’s? L200’s? Disco 3’a even? Maybe X5’s of a certain age etc. all info appreciated!! josh
  4. I’m with BASC and abit of research has uncovered that all members are now covered for humane dispatch. Its not something I’d want, phone calls at certain times in the morning I was just curious as I said. But thanks all! Glad I didn’t do it anyway! Cheers josh
  5. Thanks. To throw another question out there, my father has a .410 shot double barrel pistol on section 1 firearm for shooting vermin in and around buildings, it’s a right piece of kit! If I was to take this off him onto my certificate and have it down for humane dispatch would the police then have me on said register and would I be receiving phone calls at silly o clock to go and do such work? Cheers josh
  6. Hi all. I have been asked recently a few times to go out and dispatch deer and a fox that had been hit by a car. It wasn’t the authorities that rang, but friends of friends that knew I was a shooter etc. Now I haven’t got humane dispatch on my FAC. However I would of used my .410 silenced shotgun. I refused on the basis that I don’t quite understand the law of using a shotgun on the side of the road etc. Has anyone got any advice, does anyone have it on there ticket and more importantly is it against the law for me to go out and shoot an injured fox/deer with my silenced .410 on the side of the road without having it on my fac? As obviously the .410 is on my sgc not my fac? Is it worth applying for on my FAC? Cheers all! Josh
  7. Thanks everyone! I'll put down what I was originally going too, and just wait to see what is said! Josh
  8. Yeah I often use his firearms when me and him go out lamping etc. I think my main reason for not thinking id get one would be purely my age. As whenever im out shooting, game shoot, vermin shooting, if someone is about that doesn't agree with shooting, 9/10 times they'll have a pop due to my age, commenting on how I shouldn't be old enough etc etc. And when theyre against shooting its worse! Youre right, I have the land, some experience, and got granted a shotgun certificate with no problems. I think the fact that Im 18, might play a part in it and sway them toward saying no?? Josh
  9. Hi everyone. I am an avid shooter, and have decided that I require abit more than my 12ft lb air rifles now for the vermin on my permission. I am 18 years old, and have held a shotgun certificate for over 2 years now. Would anyone give me there honest opinion, on wether or not they think ill be granted an FAC, with the guns being .17HMR for rabbits and fox.(Fox only dependant on the right ammunition and being close range) FAC Air for vermin control in/ around farm buildings where the .17 is not safe to be used. Or any opinions on wether or not ill be granted an FAC anyway? I have 1600 acres of land where I shoot, all of which has already been authorised by the police as my uncle who owns the land has his firearms. I would apply for .243 For the foxes, or possibily even a .223 for foxes instead of limiting myself to close range .17HMR use, however I know there is nearly no chance of me getting a centrefire on first application, I think if im honest ill struggle with a rimfire which is why Im here asking for an opinion Grateful for all opinions! Josh.
  10. im looking into buying the winchester sxp Waterfowl. 3. 1/2 inch pump action, anyone had this or got any ideas on what they are like?
  11. Hi all. Thinking of having a day on some cabbages which have been cut and have been gone over with the roller. They are all flat to the ground with some leaves still showing. Have any of you guys had a day on crop like this? Hoping for a fairly decent outcome but never shot over cut veg before so will be a learning experience at the least! Will let you know how I do! Cheers Josh
  12. Done abit of a tweak on it and my god, just turning the ''smoke screw'' on the housing has worked wonders! Because i fancied a play about it turnt it around 5 times and it was like i was burning coal in the exhaust! Alltogether there was one and a half turns and its sorted it completely! Do have a little smoke but nothing like some of my friends with offroaders which modify the pump purposely to get smoke! However theres do 6MPG Cheers Josh
  13. Thats the smoke screw i believe? Going to do 1 1/2 turns and give her a quick run to make sure it doesnt smoke too much! Cheers Josh
  14. Hi all. I have a 200TDI 110 defender which im not happy with its ''pick up'' speed off the boost. Now obviously i know its a defender and is not a race car at all but a few of my friends who have them have played around with the fuel pump to achieve abit more power off the boost. Has anyone here done it and if so what were the advantages/disadvantages? Cheers Josh
  15. Had a quick walkabout yesterday afternoon and decided to take the 20 bore for a change. Didn't intentionally set out to shoot but purely to spend some valuable time with the dog as I'm struggling to find time. Ended up with 5 pigeons and 3 corvids. She only managed to find 5 but I was still happy with that! Josh
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