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Posts posted by Sian

  1. Very unfortunate when you consider they both had insurance just not the right sort obviously and to think there are literally thousands of people out there not insured who seemingly get away with not having insurance. Insurance to me is a bit like the tax man or parking ticket attendants - loathsome and a con quite often.

  2. Are you a woman haha

    LOL just seen this. Didn't need to dig up any past, got him young, trained him hard.

    Lots of good research this week,and yes they are going to dig another hole . Although it winds me up I carnt wait till next week .


    It always finishes just when you think they are about to discover something important.

  3. I just love the idea of treasure seeking, I used to go down on the bank of the Thames in the City and when the tide is out look for artefacts. Don't get to do that much any more but I could spend hours just combing the shoreline. I also like the idea of metal detecting, I reckon I could do that for hours too. I would also like to fossil hunt and do a bit of archaeology - digging up the past interests me. Instead I watch the TV for my fix.

  4. Missed this week as forgot to set record, recap would be handy. It's the type of viewing where you hope they do find the treasure. Did anyone see the programme snake island where in the end they did find treasure and are continuing their discoveries albeit far away from the original place. Programme has finished now.

  5. The only problem with this is the bans are bound to win as all of the young people will be voting as they have been primed to vote by the media etc while the older people who understand things better than young people who believe everything that they are told without thinking about it being older we have seen how the world works.


    Apologies in advance but whatever side of the fence you sit, that statement is too generalised and a lot of piffle. Age has nothing to do with wisdom, plenty of people of all ages who don't know their rump from their elbow and I am not young by the way. As a generalisation, I would say human nature is such that we learn nothing from our mistakes or history, we seem as a species to perpetuate cycles of stupidity through the ages.

  6. 1. Shoot with both eyes open and look at the bird. Think about it. If you point your finger at something you don't aim along it. Same with a shotgun.

    I am sure that all the fancy add on sighting systems seen on shotguns may help in SOME clay disciplines but find an old gun and file off the fore sight and shoot with that and learn to instinctively put the pattern on the bird. Watch the demonstrations of shooting from the hip, they don't AIM along the barrel to do that.




    You are correct you don't aim but actually you do need to get the lead right on the birds or at least I do on the shoots I go to and there are plenty of them. I am right shoulder left eye dominant. I pick up the bird and then close my left eye to take the shot but I need to close that eye otherwise I won't get the lead right amongst other problems. Each to their own but the two eye way does not work for everyone and it really isn't as simple as you state with respect. I do also shoot Fitasc where of course I am looking at the bird with two eyes, mounting my gun and then shutting my eye when I feel I am ready.

  7. Sian, you didn't do too bad today.

    Terry stand 7

    Thanks Terry good to see you today. I felt it was a poor performance today, didn't concentrate enough and the shoot needed that. Good targets I thought and I was glad it wasn't as cold as the day before. Got a couple of driven, thanks to Phil Easeman who just came up behind me and told me to just shoot earlier, I was on it. Just love the community of shooters I know, all willing to see you do better.
  8. Thank you grrclark. You will be happy to know that today at Owls Lodge, I managed a stand of teal on report lowish driven quite well, missing first two driven and first teal. I had been doing very well to that point so with a bit of extra security that missing these would not be the end of it and the support of my good friends, I just went for it. Finished on 85/100.

  9. I know you said don't laugh but what's emotional about clay shooting ?

    I didn't say clay shooting itself was emotional although if you've ever had a bad day on the clays it could be. I was talking about my inability to deal with teal and driven. I really feel very negative when I have to shoot these especially driven and it is very very deflating when you lose 12 clays for example on those two birds. My technique is all over the place and I shoot with one eye. The emotional part is I carry it with me to the next stand or worse still through the whole shoot. Teaching me isn't going to be easy for thee two birds and best done by someone else - it's a bit like it's really better not to teach a family member to drive - to easy to lose it. You can laugh if you like for me or at me because I really don't find it funny, it's my Achilles heel and I hate it. It's stopping me progressing.

  10. I shoot a lot of registered shoots - since 2/5/16 the start of the current period to date I have shot over 12,000 registered targets over four disciplines - the vast majority ESP. That is 120 registered shoots to last weekend. It is a norm to shoot 2 on a Sunday sometimes 3 for me. I am lucky as where I am situated I can get to a good variety of decent grounds and we do travel to experience different grounds around England.


    Again lucky, mid week shoots are quite plentiful - this week alone I will be shooting on Thursday at Owls Lodge and Friday at AGL. I could have shot on Wednesday at College Farm (Hornet) if I could have had another day off work. Beginning of the month you see EJC on the first Thursday and then you'll get grounds like RBSS who run their challenges and you book in weekday/weekend same as the EJC challenge you do that.


    Good facilities are always a blessing and most grounds have good enough facilities with one or two lagging. I take my own food and drink and rarely eat at the grounds. Good targets are a must and again lucky to be travelling to some excellent grounds for that.


    Referees on the whole should be treasured as although they are paid, it is not a fortune to be sitting out in all weathers putting up with grumpy shooters and most are extremely good at what they do. I have no problem being scored by a young person, some grounds I visit have young teenagers who have been trained well and are very polite. I only ask that the referee knows the rules and applies these whatever their age.


    Going all over the place you get to know a lot of people and obviously see them on a regular basis so when I am on a squadded shoot which really is just one or two grounds for registered and the major competitions I quite like the social interaction.


    I like the fact that most grounds now have their own websites, Facebook pages, give the results on the same day and that communities of shooters are linked by these social media.


    With regard to coaches/instructors - I have been taught by my husband who is actually a qualified coach but has a "day" job as well. He loves teaching and it will be something for his retirement to keep him active when that day comes. There are a number of quality individuals out there for all levels of shooter. For me I would base choosing someone on their ability to teach me as an individual, I will have already established their level of knowledge surpasses my own. I am not dazzled by championships, medals, bragging etc and some would actually put me off having them as my coach and I agree you could shoot like a demon and teach like a numptey and vice versa. I am planning to have some coaching on two presentations - teal and driven as I find these extremely difficult both in terms of technique but also (and don't laugh) emotionally I have a psychological issue with these. For the sake of my marriage and my husband's good health I am going to start with a coach I trust and I know will be able to deal with both problems. My husband knows how to deal with the technical side of my problem, spot on, but I won't let him deal with the emotional side because he is too close to me.


    I think in terms of our CPSA - I think perhaps the way in which averages are worked out in terms of how many times they are done a year should be reconsidered and re-done more regularly.


    I have to say that the whole clay shooting world has improved vastly over the last ten years or so in terms of product and service.

  11. Well, after 52 years I've finally got a dose! It's completely wiped me out. Anyone know how long it'll take to subside? I hate being ill :-(


    Proper flu as in I can't get out of bed at all, can take a couple of weeks. Obviously depends on how strong you are, age, etc but to get back to normal takes time. Wish you well.


    ps. In my opinion the difference is that the instructor can teach whereas the coach can do. This is not in any shape or form meant to disrespect anybody but if I for instance wanted to receive some coaching I would make sure he/she could regularly outshoot me, it's simple maffs.


    I really really want to agree with you Hammie but there are quite a few who can shoot massively better than me that I simply would not want to coach me for a variety of reasons! I don't care for titles, I simply couldn't care less how many championships you have won -this in itself does not make you a good teacher. Yes they can do it themselves but doesn't mean they know how to teach well. I have listened to supposedly top end coaches just give a whole load of carp to clients on grounds, and whilst they may technically be better they seem to forget addressing basics that perhaps their clients have lapsed into bad ways. Find the person that fits best, who can work with you and has the knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

  13. Sporting a CPSA run shoot. Agree trap and the others it won't work but can't remember see it stipulated.

    No I tried to find it but can you imagine a line of trap shooters allowing it they just wouldn't. in some comps Squads are squadded by class even. It would totally spoil the rhythm of the line.

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