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Everything posted by Pinkella

  1. Obviously you will get a letter to say to collect from your local depot and pay the charges required. I'm guessing you will be charged in or around £11 per item as stated earlier on this thread.
  2. ack ack I have spare printers and a window if required
  3. ack ack do you have to do this or are you just being nice thoughtful and considerate?
  4. Pinkella


    Ok guys.................................... I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Pinkella


    I still cant get on
  6. What a lovely thread and thanks for sharing it on here. Makes me think I should spend more time with my dad, I see my mum loads as she works with me doing my books and anything I need really, wouldn't be without her ever or my dad. I don't want to have regrets one day when they are not around wishing I had done more with them, or is that just a compulsory regret anyway!
  7. Pinkella


    *sniggers really hard @ miserable cow*
  8. LOL @ feeding it to your husband Sian
  9. Agreed. I get annoyed at my customers who think that by feeding a fox they can catch it and then clearly release it down the road!!!!!
  10. I totally agree, for me its about convenience, however now I live out in the sticks of Cov and I'm surrounded by this wonderful produce in farm shops, I must support them!
  11. Ok so do you adhere to the sell by date on food packaging and throw it away if its expired or do you go by the if it looks ok and smells ok rule? For me it depends on what it is, vegetables I can eat after the expiry date no problem as long as it looks ok and smells ok, fish and meat I wouldn't let it expire in the first place.
  12. Pinkella


    oooohh erm ok now I have been logged out! I guess we have to sit and wait!
  13. Pinkella


    Same as, log into the google search bar ebay online market place instead of going onto your favourites and bob is your uncle
  14. Same as Steve. I have managed to bag a corner stand in the game keeper section.
  15. pegleg31 my thoughts are with you and I hope you have someone with you to share this delicate time. What's the saying "Until you have walked a mile in my shoes then don't judge" or something like that. However if someone I knew was stopping a loved from having a transfusion for said reason, I would struggle to understand! We have to respect others views and opinions as long as they don't ram them down our throats or posts in this instance! I understand why people turn to religion just like people turn to a hobby or other favourite past time, its all the same, how you choose to spend your time and what gives you comfort. As I'm writing this post, I'm thinking there is no way in the world I would say no to a blood transfusion for my child if it meant saving their life, I don't have children by the way, but I confident that is what I'm would do.
  16. True Gunnerbob, but something should be done
  17. I do agree that we should all take a re test at a certain age and every so often from their onwards and eye tests should be compulsory sorry about your car, that's really pants!
  18. Woooooooooooooooooooooh I love reading happy news
  19. Pinkella


    I'm so not IT I don't download apps at all! I must start doing that and yes I do think it would be a good idea.
  20. Cheers fister, I spoke to the events organiser and they said gamekeeper types are welcome, Ill give it some thought, I think it would give me some good exposure.
  21. Hi Fister does anyone sell cage traps or pheasant feeders at the shows you have been to?
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