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Posts posted by Browning

  1. I went through the same scenario last year when I had my .243 rebarrelled. The old T8 was past it's best and I really wanted a lighter mod.

    After looking at anything and everything, I finally decided on one of the A-Tec CMM-4 mods, they are superbly light, and being modular you can

    (to a certain degree) choose the length that you want.


    So far, after 600 rounds through it, the mod looks as new and I am very happy with it.


    So happy in fact that I will shortly be replacing the T8 on my Swede with another A-Tec CMM-4.

  2. In case anyone is daft enough to try HMR at 200yds, think on this. the difference between a 5mph wind and a 7mph wind at 200yds with HMR is 3". Can you judge wind that accurately ?


    That says it all catweazle, good post! :good: :good: :good:

  3. It is pointless using neck bushing sizing dies if you dont neck turn.



    Why is that Ian?


    I always neck size, and in my mind it has a few advantages over full length sizing. For example, cases stay expanded to exactly fit your chamber, which promotes accuracy. Neck sizing is kinder to the brass as it works it less, which aids case life.

  4. I am assuming that you don't put any birds down yourself, my apologies if I have assumed incorrectly.


    I would guess that if the shoot across the road see that you have put feeders out in an attempt to pull

    their birds away, your feeders won't be there very long.


    It is one thing taking the odd pheasant that strays across your boundary, but totally different to actively

    try to pull them across.


    It may cause you more trouble than it's worth if the shoot across the road see this happening.


    Just my ten penneth as a keeper who has had this happen in the past....it doesn't happen anymore!

  5. If you're thinking of buying an X-Bolt I would advise trying one first.


    The triggers on the three that I have shot, at their very best, are cr*p.


    The accuracy of the three that I have shot, at their very best, is average.

  6. A few questions.


    Venomous pest controller - O - S - N


    Competitive clay shooting official - E - E - - -


    Firearms stand - U - R - - -


    ?ducks,goldeneyes and the like D - V - - -


    Any ideas?






  7. I had cortizone injections in my lower spine last year, it was done under a general anasthaetic so it didn't hurt at all. :rolleyes:


    It lasted approx 2 months, which was long enough to get on with the physio and get my core strengthened.

  8. i know everyone is different but i find the rush is getting up close to a live target and sitting watching it for a minute until it's in the perfe....BANG!!! :lol:;)


    I absolutely agree Gixer :good:


    But..... if you have a job to do, and it is not possible to get within, say 300yards, then having the correct kit,

    the correct knowledge, and the experience derived from many hours of testing on inanimate targets, the shot can

    comfortably be taken.

  9. As Kenyan says, with modern rifles, ammunition, and dedication to your chosen sport, extended ranges are very acheivable.


    We regularly shoot gongs (65mm dia) at 600 yards, and extend the range to 800/900 yards a couple of times a month.


    A recent visit to WMS, in far from ideal conditions, saw us plinking rabbit sized targets and Roe sized kill zones

    at 740yards.


    Stretching out to 1014 yards saw us grouping on a 10" gong.


    This was with semi-custom stalking rifles, not custom F-Class or Benchrest rifles.

  10. Ha! im in Daventry mate, your FEO will be a chap called Bob Smith, you will get on very well with him, he is one these FEO's who is often wrong and will proceed to tell you that you are wrong as well.

    Have fun :lol:




    I am also close to Daventry.


    Bob is also my FEO, and I happen to get on with him very well indeed. Be open and honest with him and you'll be OK.


    He is a keen shooter as well as an FEO and does not like people trying to pull the wool over his eyes.


    He also does not have a lot of time for 'pretenders'.

  11. It's nuts! Not overly happy that Northants don't do 'any other legal quarry' since that's my ticket wording from Thames Valley and I move up there in less than a month. Still, have another 4 3/4 years on it so it might have changed by then!!


    I had the same problem when I moved from Thames Valley to Northants a couple of years ago (Approximately a 12 mile move!).

    Unfortunately mine was up for renewal shortly after the move and the 'any other legal quarry' condition was removed. They did however give

    me deer/fox on my 6.5x55AI and deer/fox/vermin/ground game on my .243AI.

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