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Posts posted by Browning

  1. Not really an 'ism' but something that is seen on approximately every third post on this forum......and really winds me up.


    "I should OF known better"...."I should OF bought it"...."I should OF listened at school"




    "You should HAVE known better"...."You should HAVE bought it"...."You most definitely should HAVE listened at school"

  2. Well the farm i have our horses on is arable/cattle they do have to work a bit when cattle are calfing etc but on the whole from my point of view they have it easy. We pay them 100 pound a week just to keep our horses there he supply's stables and fields, there are another 4 people with horses so he gets £200 a week for doing absolutely nothing. Also i'm sure they get money off the government for "set aside" land etc again for doing nothing, they all run around in new range rovers etc have big houses and go on two or three holidays a year, yes its a way of life, wish i had it !! I work hard 8 hours a day for a pittance compared to them then go and look after my horses after work/before work in the winter they don't do hardly anything at a lot of the time through the year, yes they have the harvest and hay to get in but there only driving bloody tractors etc.


    Come and take over from me pal, lets see if you last 6 months. You have absolutely no comprehension of what real farming

    life is all about. Damn townie I'll bet. :o

  3. Due to changes of rifles over the years I have the following which are no longer needed.


    PM me if you need further info.



    Swarovski Scope 2.5-10 x 42 (30mm tube). Immaculate, no bangs, dents or scratches. Sold

    Badger Ordnance Picatinny Rail for Rem700 S/A. £100 posted.


    6.5mm Bullets

    123gn Lapua Scenar x 300. Sold

    130gn Berger VLD Match Grade x 200. £50 posted. - Sale Pending

    120gn Nosler BT Hunting (Brown Tip) x 130. £40.


    Redding Titanium Nitride Bushings

    .266 £12 posted.

    .285 £12 posted.

    .288 £12 posted.

    .292 £12 posted.



    .243Win L.E. Wilson Seater Die (Unused). - Sold

    .243Win L.E. Wilson Bushing Neck Die (Unused). - Sold


    Hornady Modified Cases

    .260Rem. £4 posted.

    6.5 x 47. £6 posted.


    Case Holders

    6/6.5 x 47 Lapua L.E. Wilson Trimmer case holder. - Sold

  4. The problem is that the 'experts' are mostly about protecting Buzzards, so only see (or report) what they want to. :good:


    Meanwhile those of us that are about protecting our poults see the buzzards as they really are.


    Most of the rabbits that I shoot are left as buzzard fodder, yet still they take the difficult to get at live poults, and

    leave the easy dead rabbits.

  5. It's common here to see DOUBLE figures of Buzzards in one place. I once counted 18 feeding at the back of a tractor while ploughing a field, not the behaviour of a normal bird of prey, fighting for scraps amongst the crows and seagulls!!


    Jeez I thought we had it bad in Northants Mark!


    The most I've seen together was 13 circling on a thermal whilst I was out feeding one day a couple of years ago.

  6. I've always had problems with Buzzards taking poults, maybe losing 1 a day in one of the pens. I've actually seen a Buzzard sat on poults in the pen on

    many occasions.


    Too many of the blighters around in Northants!


    Probably as much of a problem is owls, as these also take poults when they are first released.


    My old mentor showd me a trick of cutting the flat nail head off a 4" nail, and hammering one into the top of each pen post.

    This stops them sitting on the posts in wait for a poult.


    The old CD's on a length of string also works well.

  7. you seem to be mising thepoint here, for one how do you get springer x springer :good: that is a pedigree breeding with a pedigree! I dont dispute the fact they are a good working dog, I myself and many others on this forum dispute these pairings being called one "sprockers" as if some new breed (it's a cross pure and simple) and asking ridiculous prices for a mongrel! but hey if you want to buy one then it's the individuals choice, it is immaterial if both sire and dam are pedigree if it is two different breeds = mongrel,


    Ok here's a scenario that really happened.....a lad pays £500 for a pedigree Springer pup with fantastic working lines on both sides, turns out to be a **** worker, and was eventually given away as a pet, despite him having 30 years experience of training spaniels.


    Same lad pays £250 for a springer x cocker (Lets call it a Sprocker for the sake of argument), this dog turns out to be an exceptional worker.


    In this scenario the lad eventually got an exceptional working spaniel, so is £250 still a ridiculous price to pay for a mongrel?


    Similar situation to myself, at the end of the day I have an exceptional working spaniel (Sprocker mongrel), who gives a damn if it is not a pedigree?....not me

    or the many other happy Sprocker owners that have good working dogs.

  8. To keep it simple with the Trout, head and tail off, remove guts, wash, small sprinkle of salt and pepper inside, a small **** of butter inside, wrap in foil,

    cook in oven for about 15 mins. :good:



    OK can't say small **** of butter, or small *** of butter, hows about small amount of butter?

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