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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. My live shooting at the moment is pest control on farms - when rabbits can eat a day's worth of planting overnight, they need controlling (from the point of view of the farmer whose livelihood is under threat), or if a fox gets the idea that a henhouse is a free handout, then likewise. If they're not eating crops or stock, they don't get shot at. I have also in the past shot game, and eaten the results - I take the view that if you are going to eat meat, you should be prepared to take the responsibility for killing it yourself. Not necessarily all your meat - I shop at supermarkets like most folk, but I feel I need to be prepared to kill some of it myself to feel (philosophically) qualified to eat any of it. Looking at that paragraph, I'm not sure it makes sense, but it has been a very long day.
  2. If you don't mind having the ability to shoot roman candles as well, you could look at a Baikal MP153 - you shoulod be able to get one under your budget and have change for a flat or two of cartridges!
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