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  1. *Thank you all*. I must admit to it feeling so surreal sitting in that high seat. It`s five and a half years since I last put a cross hair on anything! To the friends who know my situation ( ken and Richard ) and have given me this opportunity, my sincere thanks. Tony
  2. Hi pimpkiller, I know of a youngish couple, he`s so badly crippled with arthritis and a lung function disorder that he has had a stair lift and bathroom alteration to accommodate his disabilities. This new ppi (ppi or pip?) system requires an interview, which he subsequently had, and within a few days received a letter withdrawing his disability allowances and asking him for his disabled parking badge back. Long story short, they contested the decision, his doctors complained to the ppi so did his arthritis consultant and the lung function consultant. Signs are that the decision will be overturned. Footnote The interviewer, had no medical qualifications or training. Use the medical profession to help you.
  3. Well you should know about the poor wages that firefighters were on at that time, the very reason a great percentage of us had to subsidize that wage with part time work. If your father was of the old school then you should know exactly where I am coming from.
  4. Now I only wish I had thought of this forty years ago FOSTER THE KIDS OUT! Look at the benefits- You will not age three years to every one. You will look so young that if you have got a brother who is without these responsibilities will not be regularly asked if he is your son!!!! There is a possibility that your hair will remain on your head as opposed to migrating to your ears and your back. Sleep will be easy, without the need for drugs (prescription, obviously) or copious amounts of alcohol. You will probably not put on weight ( too busy enjoying life, shooting, holidays ect) because you have got ENERGY!and MONEY! Interior of the car will look like a car, not the floor of MacDonalds on a bank holiday. I might just mention a couple of things, just one more time, ENERGY! MONEY! That weird quizzical frowning look of bewilderment that dads have when you have just been notified of their latest bit of mischief (I have to warn you, after a few years of parenthood, that look is a fixture) I could go on and I do not want to appear to harsh, by all means see your children as often as practicable, lets say once every 15 or 20 years. In my own case I welcome my own children back with their little families just to smile as I see all the above happening to my sons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAYBACK
  5. In answer to your question grrclark. I started off life being born in a tenement in the docks of Greenock, so was not exactly a silver spoon start (although the quality of the people was very rich) then trained as an engineer before joining the Fire and Rescue Service. For the next 20 years I served at the sharp end of the job at a time when health and safety mommy state was somewhere in the future. We had training and knowledge passed down to us and “risk assessment” was assessed in our heads as we ran towards the danger not standing outside with aclip board as is required now. I and many other brave men have the scars and some hideous memories of doing a serious job with courage. During these years I invariably had many, many part time jobs ie £1 an hour driving eight wheeler towing vehicle pulling big artics that had broken down in motorway roadworks 48 hours for £48, building houses, removals, even humping coal sacs. Not that we lived extravagantly, we where just paying a mortgage on a little semi. And we were skint. Five years ago my wife had a 24hour virus that quite literally destroyed her brain. Dead on arrival, no chance of surviving, horrendous brain damage, ect ect, well I eventually did get her back. I now do 19//20 hours a day doing everything for her and because I/we worked so *******g hard and accumulated a comfortable amount (not rich, just comfortable) the caring country we live in do not give us anything. I have to sold all the goodies one acquires in life, good cars, caravan, guns even the stalking and shooting has gone so I can pay for my wifes care. Don`t get me wrong, I think I am about the luckiest man alive, there is a huge number of good hard working people out there that are in a tougher situation than I am. So sunshine, I would be interested to know how you reached your upper 5%
  6. I wish I was "significant enough" to attract an extra 5% tax burden!
  7. Just like to say a big thank you to sparkie and everyone who helped and supported the Catton park shoot at the weekend. Great venue and some good lads there, thoroughly enjoyed the event. Many thanks, Tony
  8. Salt and pepper the breast`s, then pan fry in olive oil till the center`s still pinkish red. Better than steak!
  9. Been watching a young wood pigeon flying around the garden over the last few days, obviously a young bird but good flying strength and filing out well. Then I started working out when the parent birds mated (Iv`e got a sad life) So about 18 days from pigeon naughtiness to the egg hatching, then another 33ish days till it is ready to flit around the branches, plus it must have left the nest at least 10 days ago. So that`s ermmmmmm 61 days since conception. The parent birds must of mated about the 10th January. Is this normal behavior now?
  10. GUN SOLD TODAY!....06-03-15......... Bruno22rf, totally agree. Hamster, that looks like some quality woodwork to me, It appears to be the same model but your woodwork looks grade 5. There is the same gun for sale at Doveridge, obviously has had some life, £1295. mine is in far better condition ( as the buyer and myself compared both guns) then we compared the new Browning`s, Beretta`s etc I genuinely believe that these brands are now made cheaply and down to a price and instead of buying a new gun I will be searching for high grade gun maybe 10 to 30 years old. I (and the new owner) stand by my original statement, this quality of wood, metalwork and engineering is as good as any sub £3k gun out there. pictures are still on Guntrader NOTE! I do not wish to offend anyone, what you read of my posts is just my opinion, If you have one of aforementioned Beretta, browning, ect, guns and you shoot well and love the thing, I am really pleased for you. that is what it is all about!
  11. As a matter of fact it is impossible to see the woodwork as I am such a computer dipstick, I cannot fathom out how to load the photo thingy. However, my Grandson will do it for me tomorrow "when he comes home from infant school" Forgot to mention it is the side plate model
  12. I know it well, unfortunately the next weekend outing for me will hopefully be the Catton park shoot (I`ve yet to book)
  13. Thank you Vince and team tractor, I suppose that I did not consider that point Vince so I will bang some more down it, see what happens! Team Tractor, I`ve been to Garlands twice in the last few weeks, I think I was lucky to hit the tunnel and the A4 target was completely safe! those Winchesters are stunning in my 223 varmint but I have never used them in a 308. if the gun is going to be picky then they will be on the list as well, that's if I can get hold of some. Tony
  14. Thank you Dave, that is the first box I will buy. I suppose that I am lucky in the respect that this lighter rifle will hopefully be my dedicated stalking tool and won`t be using too much ammunition, therefore I am not overly worried about the cost ( "not worried about It" but I don`t like it either!) Thanks again. Tony
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