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Posts posted by redial

  1. 10 hours ago, DoolinDalton said:

    I made a cold frame from mainly plastic roof sheets.  If you have a double glazing  / window firm near you...get yourself down to them and ask if  / when they have any plastic roofing sheets.  Just remember that they have to pay to dispose of them...and you're doing them a favour by taking them away.  BUT you'll gladly contribute to their tea/ coffee fund in return for several 1 metre  X  2.4 metre sheets!  My frames were constructed using stripped down 'long' pallets (what you get plasterboard delivered on)...this was for the back...as the sun doesn't get round there!  The front, sides and top were plastic, twin wall sheets.  I have some long plastic pieces that the sheets fit into (hard to describe but here goes...)  they are an H shape, turned 90 degrees and the sheets slide up  / down.  Anyway, it's just a case of getting yourself round the firms that will come into contact / supply new sheets on a daily basis and politely ask them if they have any spare.   You can always (if you can keep your promises) bring them some 'produce' from your cold frame (in a few months) and this will hopefully help you to secure any more 'favours' in the future!  My cold frame, atm, has 21 courgette plants in it, all are thriving and flowers are due to appear soon.  I planted them in the frame as a friend suggested it was too cold to put them outside , as of 3 weeks ago.    Just remember....tea, coffee and biscuits go a long way to 'promoting' a healthy relationship regarding  your 'mutual' needs.  Hope this helps.

    Indeed it does, thank you.

  2. The short answer is no.

     I have spent many hours in bird hides and often people will let you try their optics. I've tried the top end makes but they aren't say £1,000 better than my £599 Nikons and like earlier said how good is your eyesight.

    If I was starting out now I would go Chinbin.

  3. On 20/04/2020 at 14:08, pux said:

    My bird table is out in the front garden, its always busy with birds. I have fat balls hanging off either side of it to. My only problem at the moment is a Rat that i have caught a pic of on my stalker camera helping himself to a meal each night!

    I had the same problem with rat issue, it turned into a family of the blighters.

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