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Posts posted by redial

  1. On 04/09/2021 at 13:54, DUNKS said:

    Just finished reading GAME SHOOTING by Mr Churchill and he quotes on a game shoot a gamekeeper seeing cartridges in a broken gun,  politely asked the shooter " could I please see what cartridges you are using sir". Then giving back the two cartridges said quietly " Now put them in your pocket there's a good chap." 

    Love it.

  2. 12 minutes ago, clangerman said:

    when theres 80mil to squander on a clock millions to waste in afghanistan and endless foreign aid i don’t want to hear gump and co crying pauper why should the young pay for the mistakes of idiots 

    You raise some good points.

  3. I use Wilkinson Sword 99p for five. I believe they are made in Russia.

    Most other makes I find inconsistent other than Feather. Which are very good but expensive.

    As said good soap and water hot as you can stand it. Makes for a good shave.



  4. On 10/06/2021 at 07:47, ditchman said:

    like all BSA air rifles of a certain age..........they are good (ish) desighn........but totally unfinished when leaving the factory...and need to be worked on to make them into what they should be.........

    We're Webley's any better, when it came to finishing. 

    Genuine question.


  5. Can't fault Scotland, they gave it their all and had the chances to win.

    Gareth never starts with his best eleven. It could be tactical as to finish second appears the easier route.

  6. Unwanted gift.

    The tactical knives uk site have them at £26 ish quid.

    If anyone over 18 is interested. I will post for £18. I will flatten the box and bubble wrap the knife to keep the postage down. Thanks.





  7. 1 hour ago, CaptC said:

    Most shell fishermen in Cornwall for a start. Oyster industry finished. Hill farmers struggling on £20k a year. Fact. 

    As a NHS worker I have to manage on that kind of money.

    If you know any farmers who want to swap properties send them my way.

    54 minutes ago, Scully said:



  8. 23 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Its very hard to sell game now no matter whether its shot with lead or steel. The game market has collapsed more or less. 

    Agreed, it's difficult to give away. Which is such a pity.

     I know of some shoots who pay game dealers to collect the birds.

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