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twin extractors

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  1. Its no better on friday night 10/5/24, what a complete shambles the old website was so much more efficient the trade accounts on there must be a bit ****** off by now?
  2. Here we have a very heavy duty old school reloading press, it comes with many spares as can be seen in the pictures, there is a shell plate holder for standard .243/308 etc size and some others which can be checked by there numbers. It looks like the shell plate holder has been upgraded to ball bearing type, I have used this for loading my .243 when I used to shoot targets more, nowadays I just shoot the odd deer or fox. This is a very heavy duty re-loader with a massive piston shaft and a lever that wouldnt look out of place on a locomotive, but I dont mind posting with Heremes, there is some surface rust which polishes out easily on some items nothing which affects the presses function, I would factor in around £25 for insured postage to mainland UK any further and we can check. I would like to see £175 for the press which is very cheap for a progressive press of this build quality, PM me for a number, Heath
  3. Is it still for sale chap and what is the barrel length, thanks
  4. Very nice how many ounces of shot can it put in the air fella?
  5. My gun for sale above just dropped price to £150.00 Can check RFD transfer if needed.
  6. Great pump action wouldn't want to part with mine, is that a spare barrel with it on the desk? If so is it for sale and if not where did you get it, cheers.
  7. I can tell you its pre war as Simson was a Jewish gun maker in Germany before the nazis shut them down, the year will be on the gun somewhere if you look. Ultimately it would be marked krupp somewhere on the barrels which was the finest high grade steel you could buy in the world at the time and the gunmakers would stamp the gun to prove so. It would pay you to google the gun for a while before selling as I am sure this gun is quite collectable in the right country.
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