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Posts posted by Croohur

  1. Hi all,

    Today I picked up my first shotgun, a 2nd hand Lanber with fixed chokes, ejectors. When I purchased it a few months ago the dealer checked the fixed chokes and declared them 3/4 and 1/2. I said fine, probably not 100% ideal, would have preferred 1/4 and 1/2, but it was a good fit and a good price. 

    when I picked it up today and took it apart and gave it a clean I noticed from the number of stars on the barrel  (1* and 3***) that they seem to be choked at FULL and a 1/2. I am going to be using the gun for rough shooting around the family farm as well as a bit of flighting, roost shooting, vermin control etc. It hopefully is going to be my first, but not my last shotgun. 

    I imagine the distances I will be shooting at will be between 25-40 yards. I bought a slab of 32g 6 shot expecting to use that type of cartridge for the majority of my shooting. I am just wondering what sort of cartridge to use in the full choke barrel? Something lighter like a 28g 7 shot to mitigate against the full choke?

    I only had a quick shoot of the gun this afternoon so maybe it will work out well, but was just hoping to hear your opinions!


    The info I got on the chokes was on the attached image at the bottom. The model I have seems to be a Lanber 2085 or Expert II I think they were called. Proofed in 2003. I dont have much experience with shotguns but I thought it unusual that you would have a fixed full and 1/2 when the vast majority of similar Lanbers seem to be fixed at 1/2 and a 1/4


  2. Hi all,

    I had a bumper crop of rabbits this year on the farm, back in fields they havent been in a while. In the past month I havent noticed as many. I have also found about 5 dead rabbits just laid out on the ground. I had a look at them and could see no signs of infection of inflammation. The only thing wrong with them (besides being very dead...) was som dried blood around the nose of two of them. Anyone know what the problem could be??


    Just did a bit of quick googling, looks like it may be RHD, something I hadnt seen of around here before. Yikes.

  3. I carry a small first aid kit, only thing in mine I haven't read yet is a couple of aspirin. I read on another forum a few years back that just in case of heart attack or some sort of blockage the aspirin can have a positive affect as a blood thinner.... Takes up no room and lasts for years so I stuck a few in... 

  4. I have some CCI I am shooting at the moment outnof my CZ 4555 17hmr.i would say one in every 10 splits after firing. Plenty on rimfire central about the issue. I haven't read anything about spent shells getting stuck. Not ideal at all, but it seems to be part of the manufacturing process stretching the necks of 22s into hmr.

    I have some CCI I am shooting at the moment outnof my CZ 4555 17hmr.i would say one in every 10 splits after firing. Plenty on rimfire central about the issue. I haven't read anything about spent shells getting stuck. Not ideal at all, but it seems to be part of the manufacturing process stretching the necks of 22s into hmr.

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