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Everything posted by ian1337

  1. Yeah catching non target species is an issue with spring traps. I always set mine off the ground if I leave it over night. Live traps are better but many people don’t have an air rifle or want to do “cranial concussion”.
  2. What do you think of this trap? I think it’s better than the Fenn trap. It’s much safer to set and seems less likely to get bad catches.
  3. Sores around the nipple area. Never seen this before.
  4. I left a few apples and pears. Also put out oats.
  5. Thank you. I’ll put some apples out. Many fallow pass through the woodland as well as roe and muntjac. That sounds good for fallow. Although with all the rain I don’t think it would last that long.
  6. So deer stay at my trail camera longer.
  7. Squirrel just stepped on the Fenn mk4. Right on the neck. 1339
  8. I found a Muntjac which had died after getting its head stuck in a fence. It looks like it might have suffocated. I've never come across anything like this.
  9. Grey squirrels are a destructive invasive species. Would there be the same outrage if rats were being culled?
  10. I didn't notice anything unusual when I moved it. I think the other side is badly decomposed so would be hard to see an exit wound. I live in Berkshire. Should have checked the other side, probably too late now. I thought it possibly could have been a dog attack/animal attack but I didn't see any sign of a struggle. Hopefully there isn't a disease going around.
  11. I didn't notice anything unusual. How does the vegetation affect them? There's lots of vegetation growing at this time of year.
  12. I think the holes are due to either crows or maggots. Land belongs to a school, so It's unlikely it was shot.
  13. I was walking in a private area of land. In an area of grass bordering a wood I came across a dead roe buck. Looked like it dropped dead on the spot. I saw it alive a week or two ago and it looked healthy. I wonder how it died. Never seen something like this before.
  14. Do you have any rat pics?
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