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Posts posted by Spr1985

  1. Simon, I don’t really know what to say after watching that, although I knew from comments what it would involve, it’s still not pleasant to hear. just know that although he was a huge part of your life you where the WHOLE of his! The bond was visible in all of the videos I had the pleasure of seeing him in! in the woods with jack getting to retrieve a few squirrels was one of the first videos I saw and he was clearly enjoying every second of it. Thank you for sharing what is obviously a painful time. 




  2. Hi Brian, I know the area well, and quite local to me.

     How old is the scope? Did you buy it from new? Could you send some pictures of what is for sale please whether that be just the scope or inclusive of mounts ir etc. 

    and your best price for viewing and collection please. likely this weekend coming If I’m happy with information/condition etc and convenient for you. 


  3. I have an ff6 combo, decent piece of kit and nick who owns flightline is very good to deal with, a genuinely innovative guy! Check out his website he’s got a fair few gadgets for pigeon shooting ……he’s about to bring out a new flapper that runs off a small rechargeable integrated battery pack meaning a big reduction in weight as you wont need to carry a battery for it and can probably recharge on the move in the car

  4. @ShootingEgg Whilst I agree it’s far from news worthy, it does fall perfectly into the current narrative of men can do no right! And this guy just backed up the claims. Have you watched the video?  Genuinely interested as if you have I can’t understand how you came to your conclusion’s and if not maybe you should watch it and it will likely change your conclusion. 

    i saw it on a different platform earlier today and was quite disgusted by the guys behaviour! The initial interaction I don’t believe had anything wrong with it, I actually think it was well intended. But, the guy then missed the obvious but polite marker of I'm not interested in anything you have to say and continued to forcefully impart his knowledge and constantly cut the young lady off every time she tried to speak, absolutely disgusting behaviour on his part and should learn some manners. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Manymissedpigeon said:

    For Steve 505 info

    I’ve been shooting pigeon for forty years and have many acres on many different farms to shoot over. It used to cost me a bottle of whiskey a year to each farm. That dropped to a bottle of port a year and now I’ve retired its nowt! I have a couple of regular pals who I shoot with and not one of them has ever bothered to search for land of the’re own because they “ don’t feel up for asking” or   “ don’t know how you just walk up to a tractor driver in a field and ask” etc etc

    Yes you need a bit gumption to go knock on a farmers door after being directed there by another farmer or, more usually a contractor you’ve stopped in a field ( and please at the end of the spraying/drilling line when he’s turning, not half way down the field) and you have to recognise the farmers need for YOU. If he’s drilling Oil seed Rape etc then he’s likely to have pigeon problems sooner or later. If he’s grazing sheep or intensive cattle fattening then he’s oops sorry, he or she is only going to have crow trouble. 
    Another way is to find a quiet spot and just listen for crow bangers or gas guns in the distance. If they are on a rape field then from time to time the farmer is going to check the gas canisters etc.THATS when he’s likely to be interested in your presence ( even if he already has maybe someone shooting pigeons they may have moved to better pastures) What you must do is keep in touch once you have permission and don’t loose interest if the pigeons are absent. Keep popping in to see the farmer as he will most likely be happy you shooting at harvest time. Maybe some folk drop lucky and find a farmer who’s got some laid barley ( happened to me only once and that was word of mouth from the adjacent farm I shoot rape over) but generally you have to put a winter of sitting in a bloody cold hide staring at a barren of pigeon sky over o/s/r at least once a week to get to the situation where you can rock up at said farm without any phone contact with the farmer ( but keep texting them from time to time with amount of birds you’ve shot/ kept off his crop)

    At the moment I am managing maybe a dozen pigeon a trip over o/s/r but waiting for beans to go in at three local farms ( again one of which I obtained permission on via a farm worker from another farm telling his new boss about ‘ this bloke who turns up every week whatever the weather and shoots pigeons/crows’

    in our neck of the woods there is a pigeon protection club you can join for a very modest fee per annum. Maybe you have one similar in Kent?  But pigeon shooting very rarely comes to you. You have to actively look for it as any established crop protection agent who contributes to this forum will tell you

    Now that’s a response worth reading, well thought out and helpful, full of useful information, etiquette on how to do things as not to p off the farmer/farm worker. Far better than the off the cuff condescending stuff that’s normally written and of no use/value whatsoever. Well done @Manymissedpigeon 👌🏻 


    from another perspective, if the op is looking for “paid for” rather than a permission I believe “the morgues shoot” may offer what you’re looking for, search it in your web browser 👍🏻

  6. On 14/02/2024 at 14:39, Penelope said:

    I wonder if this would make a difference to insurance?

    I have a Hilux that I do not use for commercial purposes, but have to insure it as a commercial vehicle.

    I’m in the same boat (or truck) drive a ranger wildtrack with no commercial use at all and no carrying of goods other than my own property (shooting / fishing gear) and yet have to pay for commercial insurance, I shall be keeping an eye on this with fingers crossed for a reduction in price. 

  7. Lee (the owner of muddy gutter calls) is a decent chap, I have one of his mallard calls and he also provided me with some matching resin spacers free of charge.  A mate of mine (I call him the marsh monster as he lives and breaths it) that got me into fowling has numerous calls from muddy gutter and I can guarantee he wouldn’t be using them if they where no good.  

  8. 11 hours ago, Si-Bore said:

    One way to tell is to disconnect the receiver and plug straight onto the battery. If the receiver has failed (like 3 of mine have) then it will run at full speed. This is providing the remote hasn’t been damaged or the battery failed. 

    This wasn’t the issue but it solved my problem, for transparency and honesty I have at some point disconnected the receiver box and reconnected it incorrectly red to blue and blue to red, they’re now re connected the correct way around and it’s working fine. So yes I’m a numpty 🤣 but thanks for posting as it solved my issue 👍🏻

    edit to say - I realised this after checking continuity of circuits and battery power including remote battery with a volt meter 🙈

  9. I’ve had an issue where a once used ff6 (combo) model worked the first time I used it second time wouldn’t do anything and I know the battery is good as I swapped it onto magnet at it worked perfectly (you may have solved my problem as I didn’t even think of it being the remote)

  10. The first and last time I saw one (every evening one week) was whilst I was working in the wymondham area of Norfolk in 2012, I pulled over into a farmers field entrance and watched for ages as they dropped into roost. Very bad picture but…..


  11. 9 hours ago, JKD said:

    Looks great fella 👍 Never eaten deer meat/venison but sure will be trying it during the upcoming annual eat/drink/sleep week 😄

    Highly recommend it 👌🏻 start with some Chinese water deer if you can, it’s beautiful and quite a sweet meat.


    The bolognaise looks banging too 👌🏻 some garlic/cheesy garlic bread on the side and we have perfection 

  12. I drive artics for a living and if I had a £1 for every piece of p poor driving I see each shift that goes against the law and or Highway Code I’d be a very rich man.

    As was pointed out by 357shooter, people just do not care anymore, road manners have all but disappeared and the amount of reckless /dangerous driving is astonishing. As for the Highway Code and a possible change…..I wouldn’t even worry about it as seemingly no one else follows it or cares about it. 

    drive safe 👍🏻

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