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Posts posted by Windswept

  1. 40 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Exactly.  Some semi woke person came up with the term and now everyone thinks that way.  They are bullets and when in a case with powder and primer they become a cartridge.

    I doubt it's down to that. I may have occasionally used the term because the place I've bought bullets from uses the term 'bullet head'. https://www.henrykrank.com/reloading/bullet-heads.html Probably more down to the fact people use the term bullet to refer to a cartridge.

  2. On 27/07/2021 at 14:01, aberisle said:

    From ebay here is a link to a place that sells it, the price goes up and down at the moment it is quite high, i have had it for as little as £17 per kilo.


    Thanks for the link. Do you need anything for flux when you alloy with the tin at all? I have a tub that I use when casting lead which might work.

  3. On 06/06/2021 at 22:48, oowee said:

    Out foxing last week and was working my way through the targets with plenty of older cubs about. Then looking through the thermal spotted several different shapes at the edge of a wood. Anyone who has watched the NV hunting videos from the State's would immediately recognise the silhouettes.  Seeing it for for real I could not believe what I thought I had seen.

    I'm a little confused by your story. Do you normally go our foxing with a large calibre rifle or where you expecting something else?

    I also thought it was strongly recommended to follow up a wounded boar as they can be dangerous if wounded.



  4. 1 hour ago, Graham M said:

    There's no way you are going to get a .357 to shoot 1000 ft lbs of muzzle energy, which is the minimum even for muntjac 

    It is possible in a rifle. There's data out there for 170/180gr going at 1650+ fps. You'd be right on the limit though and I wouldn't want to put them through my rifle.

  5. I wouldn't say a manual is essential but one is very useful. The first manual I got was the Speer one as it came with my reloading kit.

    It may depend on what reloading kit you have and what bullets and powders you plan to use. If you're using Lee kit then the Lee manual may be the best for you. (Although, Lee die sets have good instructions in them). I have since picked up a 2nd hand Sierra manual as I use Sierra bullets.

    Worth noting that each manual will have a different set of reloading powders and in some cases the suggested charges will vary a fair bit. I also have a copy of the Lyman handbook and that's quite good to look through but has little Vihtavuori load data. (Like many powder manufactures there is Viht data online).

    I'd try and have a flick through some books in your local shop or if you're a member of a club ask if anyone could lend you one.


  6. 9 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Yes but thats hardly using the rifle to its true potential.

    I quite agree. I do use mine to it's full potential occasionally but the costs will be much higher. More powder, a jacketed bullet and you're normally advised to use new brass.

    I assume @Apivorus is asking about gallery rifle loads, so light charges under 50m, often under 25m.

  7. Leading isn't really a problem with light loads, especially as bought lead bullets tend to be hardcast, around 20 BHN.

    Most gallery rifle shooters I know will use a small charge of a fast pistol powder such as Vihtavuori N310, N320 etc. Typical speeds around 800-900 fps from a Marlin U/L. (Note, most load data you'll find will be for revolvers so will show a slower speed).

    You do need to be careful when loading when using small charges though as there's plenty of room in the case for accidental double or worse charges!

  8. 16 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Can I ask what sort of problems? 

    Extraction problems mainly, although I think people complain the action isn't that smooth. It'll depend on what powder/load is shot in a .38 and how well the chamber is cleaned. When 38s are used dirt builds up in the last few mm of the chamber over time.

    I'm talking about people who shoot 100s of rounds and are not that thorough with cleaning. The latest problem I've seen was a ring of brass being left in the chamber from the end of a .357 case!

  9. On 09/07/2021 at 17:59, dodgyrog said:

    NO! 38 Spl works well in my Marlin and the supposed ring build up in the chamber is nonsense.

    I've seen a few people have trouble using .357 rounds after shooting .38s in their Marlins. I stick to .357s.

    My costs are similar to 1066's although I tend to buy lead bullets which are around £40 per 500 so that's another 8p a round.

    Prices are constantly going up, a pot of suitable powder is closer to £50 now, and so is 1,000 primers.

  10. The other bees do look like honey bees, their stripes can be very variable from almost completely orange stripes to almost all black. My honey bees are a mixed bunch and do visit hebe. My caveat is that there are some solitary bees that can be quite similar.

  11. I expect it'll be an ongoing problem, if you remove a couple there will soon be others.

    There seems to be many suggestions of things you can do to deter them, peeing around the boundary is often suggested but I never found that works with urban foxes (probably too used to the smell!)

    Personally I would suggest fencing them out of the veg patch. Something like a fruit cage with good quality chicken wire around the bottom. It might seem and expensive faff but then it'll also keep the birds off fruit etc so might be worth the investment.

  12. 6 hours ago, Apivorus said:

    That's why I'm asking really, there doesn't seem to be a standard figure.

    Yes, there's not a standard figure. There's probably too many variables although I don't really understand why someone would not be granted say 2,000 rounds if they are happy to grant 1,500.

    I don't know what it's like these days with COVID but normally when you have your chat with your FEO you can discuss and alter the amounts on the application form. 

    As Vince says, some might easily go through 500 rounds in an afternoon. Others might take months for that.

    May I ask what you tend to shoot? If it's something like gallery rifle then a practice and a couple of runs of 1500 would also use around 500 rounds.



  13. 37 minutes ago, Kojak_79 said:

    I got 1500 on grant and he didnt question it. My reasoning was bulk price at a 1000 and then i can reorder when i get below 500

    Sounds like you had a reasonable FEO but it's worth noting bulk pricing is not a good reason.


    13.54 Chief officers of police should also consider the “good reason” for possession of ammunition quantities for target shooting. Allocations of 1,000 rounds, to possess, purchase or acquire, are not unreasonable for most regular shooters. A serious target shooter (for example in a county or national squad) may reasonably wish to possess up to 6,000 rounds to ensure consistency in performance between batches. In exceptional circumstances greater amounts may be required. These figures should be used as guides only and should not be interpreted as absolute limits. This is normally applicable to .22RF rather than full-bore target shooting. Economy of purchase (‘bulk buying’) is not considered satisfactory as “good reason”.

    If the OP is a regular shooter then asking for 1,500 on grant would seem reasonable - I've seen higher amounts granted.


  14. It will depend on a great many things, one of which is your local licencing dept so I would ask around at your club.

    There are many forms of target shooting and you can get through a large volume of .22 depending on what you shoot. You may also want different ammunition for different guns and different tasks. (Rifle, bolt, semi-auto, LBP, target, vermin etc).

    Simply put can you justify what you ask for? I have seen a large difference in what people have been granted.

  15. 17 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    My Pietta was stainless, just the inside of the bore and cylinder , even with sugary Pyrodex was a right pain to clean, and if you left it a day....

    I've not had much of a problem when I've used Pyrodex. Just remove the handle and trigger guard and soak barrel and cylinder in boiling water for a few minutes before cleaning and drying. I used add Krank's black powder solvent but they've stopped selling it now.

    I do know several people who don't like the mess of black powder so I'll mention the new Westlake to them. Be interesting to see one in action.

  16. When I've looked at Satellite before it's been too expensive.

    It's annoying that the mobile signal is almost usable in the house, so I wouldn't expect it needs boosting much. Even something with an ariel that can be put outside would be worth considering but I can't seem to find anything suitable.

  17. We run comps at our range so no one complains about the smoke. If it's a quick-fire string choosing a lane upwind helps...

    I've not had much trouble with my Pietta and I chose a stainless one to help with cleaning. (Had to replace the hand as the spring corroded). One thing I have noticed though is even the same make and model of gun varies a fair bit.

    They can spit, the caps will split and sometimes throw bits out but as most people use semolina as a packing that does chuck out bits so eye protection is essential.

    On that note, I wonder what the capacity is on the Westlakes? They seem to run on very small charges and I would have thought you wouldn't want to pack the cylinder too much. The Pietta can take around 35 grains of powder IIRC and you're advised to seat the ball close to the face. As I find 15-20 grains of powder to be ample you end up packing half the cylinder. Be nice to have a cylinder that only took 20 grains.

  18. 28 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    Address the cause not the symptoms.  Even if she lives many kms from the nearest exchange, you need to be onto the ISP and thus Openreach about this.  Ride them as, they say, like a rented mule.  Have her record speeds and importantly dropped packets over the course of week.  Likely there's some issue on the line - could be a simple as water logged junction box up a pole.  Presumably she's paying for a service she cannot use.  DSL does a frankly miraculous job of  squirting data down miles of oxidised copper and all  but the most remote people should be able to get a decent if low bandwidth in 2021.


    Thanks, and I agree with what you've said. But, I've been there and done this for our line at home but it wasn't sorted until a local pole was stuck by lightening and a large amount of cable was fried... Still took them 18 months to sort.

    The problem with my Mum's line is that the published speed is only 1 mbps. I agree there are likely to be other problems, which results in the service being unusable, which we could sort out but she'll still only get 1mbps. It's frustrating because she's not in the middle of nowhere, just a very long way from an exchange. She's not paying for the land line broadband any more.

    I gather the mobile phone extenders do work, where I live you could get a government subsidised one, but some are not legal and I expect some don't work as well as others.

  19. 20 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Have a slot on my ticket for one of these, and will be acquiring soon ....
    Ill report back when i do .


    I'd also be interested in how you get on. My initial thought was half the fun of my cap and ball revolver is the smoke it produces, so when there's a few of us shooting a string of six the range is full of smoke. On the other hand I'm now using 777 so not that far away from nitro powders.

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