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Posts posted by HantsRob

  1. 9 hours ago, Minky said:

    What exactly is the 11 (6) exemption.  I did read it but I didn't see anything about that for the shooting ground site.  This document may be concise and clear IF you are using it all the time or you are a legal geek that understands how this is written. For most mortals it is gobledy gook  kind of some dodgy small print confusion document.

    What TC said. But, I will diversify a little to hopefully make it a little clearer.

    Any area of private land can be given 11(6) authority by the chief constable (and power may be delegated to another, such as licencing manager). 

    That's to say.... any private estate, any piece of privately owned land, or any bit of land bought with the intention of being a clay ground or wild bird shooting ground. This may come with other caveats, such as businesses will need to get approval from the council on top. The police will also look at the size of land, public rights of access/footpaths etc.

    Hopefully that helps? :)

  2. 1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Speak to the ground before hand, you will be responsible for your guest and how he behaves.

    We all started somewhere.

    This is about as sensible as it gets. 

    We have all cringed at the one guy in full camo clothing with his semi auto taking a group of 6 mates around and causing mess and mayhem. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Minky said:

    After reading the firearms guidance notes .... Authorised lending and possession of firearms for hunting etc  6.18 Section 11A of the 1968 Act

    And being quite confused ..... who wouldn't be.... anyone got an opinion as to whether I can take a friend who hasn't got a gun or certificate clay pigeon shooting .. ps I will contact an FEO about this. But someone may have knowledge or have done this 

    I'm not entirely sure what is confusing, as the legislation is pretty clear and concise.

    Firearms Act 1968 (legislation.gov.uk)

    That's the section you're on. Now, keep reading through the legislation to section 11(6) and come away from 11(A):

    Firearms Act 1968 (legislation.gov.uk)

    "A person may, without holding a shot gun certificate, use a shot gun at a time and place approved for shooting at artificial targets by the chief officer of police for the area in which that place is situated."

    Lets just be clear that you were on the right track, however what you need to ensure is the clay ground you're wanting to take your friend has an 11(6) exemption. It would be safe to say any clay ground that does lessons will have this exemption.

    But, there are some stipulations. Firstly, if the person is a "prohibited person" (section 21) then they are not allowed. Also the safety and security of the firearm lays with the person who owns or is in charge of the gun.

    Ask the clay ground. If you're shooting birds on private land you'd still need to check for 11(6) exemption. 


    I hope that helps?


    edit to add: This of course means section 2 shotguns, aka SGC shotguns. It doesn't allow for FAC ones AFAIK under 11(6).

  4. On 11/02/2022 at 23:10, 400yrds said:

    Better than money in the bank my RFD telling me he can't get any Beretta's atm and predicts that they'll be getting a hefty price hike. 

    But then when will be optimal to sell?

    On 12/02/2022 at 00:18, ninjaferret said:

    Heard the same, worth keeping it a while. Hard to get hold of....

    Tough call..... I have a silver pigeon 3 I want to trade for a 694 also funnily enough...... but when to sell.....

  5. 6 hours ago, pux said:

    word of warning.....the resale value on Blaser is awful! I bought a F16 Grade 4 before xmas...I couldn't get on with it! was far to light for me, plus the forend felt so flimsy. I ended up buying a new Browning 525 Xltra XS Pro! Should have bought this gun along time ago.

    You don't want to sell for a grand then ;)

    That's a real shame, I am looking to buy a blaser in the near future potentially and that isn't the feedback I wanted to hear! Sorry to hear the resale value being so poor 😞

  6. Will, once it's imported (and you may need to pay export tax the other side too!), you may need to UK proof the barrels if you were going to resell also.


    Importing will be VAT at 20%, so that's a massive chunk. But, it'll be more with everything else. Also if you fly they'll charge more to handle it, and it'll need to be in a lockable case etc etc

  7. I'd be very careful with what Andy said above, that could be considered tax evasion. 


    Call customs, speak to someone involved in firearms importation, and do it properly and pay the import duty. Worse case blagging it? Imprisonment, losing the gun, and a big fine. It's really not worth the risk. 

    You can't go to America and buy loads of expensive tech, unbox, and pretend you took it out. (well you can, but if they find out.....) Same applies to guns.

  8. If the part is available to GMK, it's available to everyone else. That's the thing about the spares business, people want to make money!

    A good gunsmith can make a part from another gun if required. GMK will cost more with RFD transfer etc, trust your local gunny. Ask them if it's in their wheelhouse and if necessary ask for assurance that payment is on fixing. They'll find a way :)

  9. I've shot both and sadly not a good enough shot to answer your question. 

    Greenfields in Salisbury have had a Blaser on the shelf a few years as it's not shifting. I don't think it's the price point, just seems to have fallen out of fashion for their clientelle. Or, their other guns are more attractive to a more classical market maybe?

    The F3 may be good if you want to buy a few barrels as I believe the receiver can at least do 12, 20, and maybe more without changing the receiver. The F16 is only on 12G AFAIK? But, may make it affordable to change depending who you shoot with and what you are shooting.

  10. 14 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    The popular view (I could not comment from experience) is that steel does not break clays as well as lead does and people more experienced than me talk about lower scores around 5% 

    For a top line clay shooter a loss of 5% is close to not being worth turning up.

    If everyone is shooting the same cartridge, it isn't a handicap to the shooter.

  11. Hey Duffryn

    Excellent result and your charitable donation is first class. I'm surprised at the massive change of peoples attitudes, whilst it's great Longthorne have done the right thing based on one side of the story (they of course had another based on the posts, and the truth being somewhere in the middle) I still think there's a degree of buyer beware at the higher end of the market. I do however hope that your video when you produce it is fair to all parties.

    My main reason for posting is about the wood element..... Is this a difference between a machinist completing the wood and handing to a carpenter, rather than a machinist handing to an artisan who understands what pressures and stresses are going to go through that wood, and how any natural "beauty marks" could ultimately be points of failure?  Or is it a lack of treatment to the wood? 

    I did watch the video that TGS made and Jim seemed like a solid honest fella so I am glad that it's all been resolved. I do wonder with such a high tech approach that may work on barrels may not be as appropriate for wood without the right level of artisans completing and checking? The vibe from the rizzini factory felt more that way.

    The Longthorn celtic though.... that's my idea of engraving over the typical engraving, I'll give them credit that the celtic style with the kidney stone checkering would be where I'd spend my money if I had that kind of cash. ❤️ 

    I hope you get a "speedy" resolution, and I really should go check your content out! :D

  12. On 10/02/2022 at 15:56, udderlyoffroad said:

    TGS at least do decent production values, some of the others are definitely...variable.

    But honestly I don't get what the fuss is about?  They're producing free content.  That has to be paid for.  That means Sponsors/advertising or crowd-funding.

    I agree on this point mostly!

    I loved watching the factory tours and process, and genuinely felt as good as any documentary on TV for production also. Natural and fluid, not scripted, and biased towards them slightly as you'd expect.

    JC is getting better at saying "sponsored by" to let you know who is helping pay for the video, and I'd probably tell the world that my <insert brand> was shooting so smoothly and amazing if I had been given one for free, because a free brand new gun would give good vibes which I think would make me shoot it better as I was happy! :D I'd just like to know what his bunk up deal with Hull is, I definitely prefer Fiocchi. But then that could just be me having been influenced by friends without realising.

    *disclosure* HantsRob - sponsored by bacon rolls and a good cuppa tea.


    On 11/02/2022 at 10:39, discobob said:

    I have previously appeared on a TGS video - I am circled in red


    Did he gush about the quality of your wood, or did he say your action was a little stiff?

  13. Aha different sites different rules. I could break out my spare chokes to check if I had the energy. :) 


    I hear what you’re saying about weight reducing recoil. But a heavier gun is more tiring to lift for 300 rounds. I’d prefer a heavier OU but a semi has its place 

  14. 17 minutes ago, Fellside said:

    Thanks for that HantsRob.

    I know what you mean by tired and achey re the O/U. Last year I did a full slab of 30 gram cart’s one day then the same the next. Have you ever heard of shell shock….?? 🙂

    This is what started my search for something more forgiving. So minimising recoil is the main driver. Think I will give one a try. 

    Definitely try. Yes a heavy ou will absorb. But a semi is super light with no recoil. 
    If you’re ever down in Hampshire I’d happily let you blat on mine. It shoots slightly differently and in a cage you can hear it cycle, but definitely good for a bad shoulder!

    15 minutes ago, Smudger687 said:

    I think 5 notches is actually skeet, with no notches referring to cylinder iirc. 

    You could always look at getting a heavier O/U? Additional weight isn't necessarily a bad thing provided it's all balanced. 


  15. 14 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    TVP are only currently accepting online renewals, which is great but for one slight hiccup, there is a space to download the form that your doctor ticked and signed but it only allows you to do one download - the form is 2 pages!!! Unless you have pdf merging software you're going to struggle.

    There's a few online merge PDF sites out there for free. 

    Also no reason why you can't submit by webform page 1, and followup with the rest with the reference number the site generates to the licencing team.

  16. 13 hours ago, Demonic69 said:

    I've actually just done a Run cost for additional users on an existing network. Works out at £450 per user per month over 5 years. That includes hardware, tech refresh, evergreen, outsourced support, Windows, SCCM, Ivanti, E3 and other licenses plus a load of other fun stuff. This is as an out-sourcing company too, and some forces run theirs internally, so should be even cheaper! PNC is charged per-use apparently, wasn't that what ACPO were selling on, cost them 50p or similar and they charged their customers £6 or something?

    No idea bout salaries for the staff though, I made wild assumptions based on the people I've interacted with. Do you reckon they're on more or less? Expenses do add up, we spend a fortune, but mis-management of expenses shouldn't fall onto the customer (us) and neither should overtime for what shouldn't be an overly complicated job. Although there may be more more to it than I realise, which is the reason a full-cost breakdown is essential before the mud starts flinging at shooters.

    There's also aprrox £8million generated in renewals alone each year, with an upward variation of up to £2Milion for new grants. Not to mention they're taxpayer funded regardless and shooting is a £1bn boon to the economy.

    I think your costs are relatively fair for IT, although many forces may opt for a cheaper E1. or F3, but don't forget you also have the overhead costs of not just the car, but in-car kit. The radio and install that's in all cars has quite a cost. Mobile phone may add £100-200 a year, plus contract and call costs, then an always-on VPN licence and back end server costs. I am sure you could apportion some of that into the other licence costs, but it does add on. 

    PNC depends on the profile. You can get cut down access (in-car ANPR has a different licence than to a PNC read-only operator, and again different to someone with inputter rights etc). Regardless, firearms team would only need read only, so would be one of the cheaper CALs. Then it depends on what databases you're accessing, so licencing would potentially need access to them all. Then there's the softer side, such as niche/RMS and other local intel systems. Some enquiries will require cross border checks as local systems don't tie directly into PNC if the information isn't necessary to store on PNC. Regardless I believe there is a CAL cost, and then a per-transaction fee.

    I'd suggest for the managers they'd be earning around inspector rates, but I'd suspect FEOs and admins to be lower than you think. Maybe do a FOI request to your local force?

    So, that cost will be made up of grants and renewals, utilising a lot more tech and FEO power. The modifications and buying/selling must be still quite a dent. No-one has really mentioned the cost of checking out a RFD, as I believe that has different bandings. I have no idea how much effort it is to set up a gun shop for example.

    Finally, storage of seized guns and ammo. There's a cost to store and keep in reasonable temperature and humidity. 

    Agreed to a full breakdown making sense, but expect to have 1/200th of the building cost added in, and same 1/200th for power and light and water and taxes etc if the building hosted 200 persons. That will be a massive chunk.

  17. 3 hours ago, team tractor said:

    I can understand being anti police tho .

    I was arrested in front of my children after my wife ( serving officer ) make a false allegation of assault 6 years previous about me . 

    Firstly, again going on your account as I have nothing else, I'm truly sorry you went through that. Of course an allegation from someone that should be A1 intel is taken very seriously, but why people think that assault will always lead to shooting someone is a bit much. 

    I can understand why some are anti police, but like your post shows there are plenty of good ones also. I'd suggest almost your situ isn't a bad cop, but rather your wife that caused the mayhem. Even the quote "there's no smoke without fire" can be unjust, as whilst I am sure every marital issue is not one sided, that just seems nasty. I am sorry to hear all of that. 

    Hopefully the events are all in the past and you're now moving on and enjoying your life once more. Chin up, you survived which is epic :)

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