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Everything posted by Gavo

  1. My mates brother worked there for ages, I'll try and find out more fella.
  2. Gavo


    Done this one this morning .... been doing my head in with that horrible noise since 5am & scaring the ****e outa the little birds.
  3. Cheers all, mucho helpfull
  4. Thanks for that. In what area is it smaller though, stock, barrel or overall size ?
  5. Whats the difference ? Cheers.
  6. Sad news as it was pretty much the only gun place in the newport area. I need to find out more as my mates brother works/worked there.
  7. Yes it is legal. I sent mine standard parcels to Webley Service Dept (not firearms dealer) when I had my seals replaced with no bother. As for the air res, I asked & they said not to worry about it.
  8. Gavo


    Fair enough, each to their own and all, but I just get p'd off with people slagging the Solo off. It kills stuff just the same as the rest ! I know the AA's are better made and more refined but my mates trigger broke on his s410 sat night so its swings and rounderbouts as some of them obviously weren't made to the same high standards.
  9. Gavo


    no flys on you BSA Shaun russ just sell it and get a real gun like a aas400 in 177 or 22 Jeeezus, what is it with you lot and your ******* air arms ?
  10. Gavo


    I wasnt aware that you could alter the power output on a Solo Russ. .... If you can please PM me with the details, cheers. Gav
  11. ok pal safe shooting You too
  12. Just a little disagreement fella, no feuds going on ! I just dont appreciate having a gun thats made by a very reputable company with excellent write-ups and has served me well in the 6 odd months that I've had being slagged off. I'm all for 'each to their own' & differing opinions but I do get annoyed that the solo takes a bashing from AA owners because its £200-£300 cheaper ! Anyway, I'm happy with it & thats what matters.
  13. I dont need to ******** anyone pal, I've got nothing to prove.
  14. Listen, you're mates might've been ****, you might not have liked shooting it ..... that doesnt mean the rifle is a load of **** ! I'm sure the 16-20 rabbits I've shot at anything between 35-45 yards in the laste few days wont be thinking its **** will they ! All I'm saying is dont slag it off fella when you've only had you're mates to go on ok.
  15. You talk a load of **** I know that much.
  16. I have got a clue about PCP's fella & the solo was in my budget at the time of purchase, the s410 wasnt. Infact I researched a lot of PCPs for a long time as I've come from a springer background & the solo had by far the best reviews, bar maybe the AA s200 which I found too small for me, for the price. Never ever heard of them jamming or anything and my shooting partner uses an s410 & he loves shooting mine as well ..... so maybe its just you fella ! Do me a favour, dont just base you're argument on "my mates jammed all the time" rubbish because it doesnt wash fella. Like I said be constructive a dont bother.
  17. LOL just that a mate had 1 and there a load of ******* and dont compare it 2 any AA air rifle as its no were NEAR as good sorry pal its my own opinion and if you would of fort about it a bit more you would of bought the s400 or s410 Aye ? Would of "fort" about it I'm more than happy with my solo thanks & I never said I wasnt ! What you really mean to say is you have absolutely no clue whatsoever what you're talking about because you've never shot one ... have you ? Its acurate, light, well made and kills with ease. It also has the option, like mine to become a multi-shot very easily & cheaply. If I had the money to fork out on a 410 six months agao I probably wouldve but I'm extremely happy with the Logun as it does exactly what I want it to. Unless you've got a constructive argument as to why the solo is "a load of *******" then dont bother ******* commenting ok fella.
  18. Whats the bloody difference ? And what exactly is the problem with the solo, it does what a s400 or s410 does !
  19. get the s400 mate far better guns the solo is ******** or even get the s410 witch is what i have The solo is a cracking gun actually and for the money there aint much that touches it. Its well made, reliable & I've shot loads with mine already at really varying distances. I agree that the s400 & s410 are better guns but they come with a bigger price tag also. I dont take kindly to people slagging my gun off fella especially when it does the job its meant to.
  20. Ah right, my mate is a diver so he may have one of those. Cheers Russ. Gav
  21. Cheers fella, I'll ask them to over fill it a bit the next time. How do you know how much air is in it after a fill ? Like you said you checked yours and it was just over 200bar, how did you find that out from the gauge ? Gav
  22. Hey Russ, I filled my solo up yesterday after about a week of on-off shooting as I was going out again yesterday but it didnt seem to reach 200 bar. I did exactly as you showed me on your video, but it got to about 170-180 bar and stopped. My tank is a 207bar 7lt bottle. Is it because of the max bar on my tank or because there is still air left in the gun ? Cheers Gav
  23. Both use tanks upto 200 bar.
  24. Hi Russ, I havent had mine long enough to know really but since we had the conversation about filling the other day I havent filled it again & she's still going strong. Its Estimated about 50-70 shots with .22 isnt it ? Gav
  25. Thanks to you as well mate, been a big help :blink:
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