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rushy lad

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Here is a weird one!


A few years ago I was mooching about one early Morning with my dogs who were busily working cover and doing what terriers do best, when I came across a stoat on a footpath lying quite still as if it was dead. I examined it for a while but didn,t pick it up and then decided to leave it be, As I was walking away something made me turn around, and as I did the Stoat was up and away as if it was playing dead!!


I watched it for a while move under a fence and into a field and away it went.


Anyone seen anything like that before? :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

When i worked on an estate in northumberland i came across a stoat dancing at two young birds.This went on for what seemed like an age.The birds were definatlely mesmerised as the came down from the top of the bush to ground level and stood only a couple of feet away from this stoat.

As is usual in thee situations i did'nt have the gun to hand so i waited until it's dance was over and stoaty thought he'd a meal and went for the kill.

He jumped like a frightened cat when i clapped my hands,he vanished and these stupid birds just sat there for a few minutes before they came to their senses.

I have only seen that happen the once.

On another occasion having taken the blackwidow off younger brother for doing something daft i took it out of my pocket while working with a couple of the lads up in the woods.

Around the corner of a ride came a nice big stoat hence catapult and stone,stone fires at stoat,stoat screams as stone just missed,rest of family of stoats come round corner stand up on hind legs chatter and run at idiot with catapult.

Two of the lads legged it,one in loader tractor shuts door and leaves me trying to open door to get in.

I got in eventually and the little **** would not leave until the tractor was fired up.

Lesson for everyone,if you want a war please make sure you have the fire power to complete the job or RUN!.

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PIKE,i'm in london so there's no chance of me getting one for you,i've never seen one down here yet.

Does a grey squirrel not interest you because i'm getting sick of shooting and trapping them.

If you are in essex then you've plenty of farmland around on the north side.

Farmland equals shoots,equals gamekeepers.

Or get hold of a few fenn traps,find somewhere quiet build some tunnels by a gate post in or out of a field and just keep an eye on them.

Catching one yourself makes a trophy worth while.

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