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What you need to do if you move counties?


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Yep as above!


I moved from cumbria to Northumberland. Letter and phone call to Northumbria, Letter and phone call to cumbria and leave it with them.

You dont need to send your actual licence (paper part in...or i didnt anyway).

But if you do, again, stock up on cartridges orrifle fodder as you'l be in for a long wait if its northumbria!

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Take a look at the front of your SGC..........condition 3.


"The holder of this certificate must, without undue delay, inform the chief officer of police by whom this certificate was granted of any change in his permanent address."


This means all you have to do is send a letter to your issuing firearms licensing manager advising him of your new address. The police will do the rest. Your new county will contact you in due course.

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