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Autumn Berries

pigeon controller

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Due to the hour change picked up DB at 08.00 and we set out. It was foggy and we were not sure if we could pick up a flight line but we headed to the woods to see if the birds were still in roost. As we got closer we could see birds above the fog flying out towards an old bean field, so we drove directly to it and waited. As the fog lifted the trees around the field were full of birds. After a quick phone call the the owner we set up. In the first hour we had twelve birds but decided to stick it out come what may. I went for a walk to move some birds that were near to a public acces point and then ruturned to the hide. You will see from the first picture that we had a selection of berries and beans even maize from the game feeders. We finished the day with 109 and the dog was knackered again.





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