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Christmas ideas


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Hi guys,


I have a shotgun and hundreds of acres of land to shoot over (barley and wheat) but I have no pigeon shooting gear. A relative has asked me for some Christmas present ideas and this got me thinking on maybe gathering up a few bits. I'm sure there's a million different types of decoy out there and I have seen various poles and rotary devices for elevating them.... Can anyone recommend a few wee things to get me started? Over time I can add to it.



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Hi Scrob noticed you are from this part of the world, fill in your location (which county?) and the lads can give you some info on where best to get stuff locally if you don't want to use the internet.


Someone local to you might even come out and show you the ropes and the equipment that they use.


The basic things that you need would probably be 10 decoys on wobblers, a net, a face mask and pigeons feeding in your area.

As you are in N.Irelland there are probably lots of crows/rooks etc about so a mixture of decoys may be needed. If you get hooked on this decoyin business you will find yourself getting allsorts of wonderful gadgets :good:


If you trawl through this forum you will pick up loads of info, but remember the guys across the water have massive numbers of pigeons in comparison to ourselves.

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