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Im sorry if this is not the right thing to be putting on here if so pl


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Sorry to muddy the waters but chlamydia is a bacterial infection and is sensative to (ie is killed by) some antibiotics that are increasingly being used to treat more run of the mill infections such as a chest infection. so it may be that you had it but have inadvertantly been treated for it.

Edited by alexr
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none of us are saints here.

As I see it this could have happened one of three ways.


1) she contracted it prior to being with you. She tells you she has not been with someone prior to you, If she had it prior to being with you then that is a lie, but not a big one. ( is she aware of all your previous sexual partners ? I suspect not ) At the start of a relationship some questions are better avoided and that may have been her way to avoid it.

2) You gave it her but have inadvertently been treated for it (Possible, but a bit of a wild card). Thus your negative test. If this is the case then you perhaps have a lot of questions to answer and the boot is on the other foot.


With the above two I would let sleeping dogs lie. there is no point in opening up this can of worms, you will gain nothing from it and could well loose the girl.


3) Now for the big one. If she has contracted this from some one else whilst in a relationship with you. She tells you this is not the case, which means either it isn't (see above scenarios), She made a mistake and does not want to loose you by admitting to it ( perhaps not a bad thing ) or she is a callas heartless harridan who is using you.


In my experience though the harridan does exist they are rare and can be spotted in other ways ( is she high maintenance for example, or generally uncaring )


Good Luck.

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