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What an evening ive had so far


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I hate this evening so far.


Come back from work and see a dog walking along middle of the road with no owner in sight, so being a good citizen I stop the car and run after it I catch up with it and take it to the police station, poor little thing it was old must of been deaf as it was not responding to anything you say and it looked like a giant rat as its tail lost some hair, the smell of this dog was not pleasant either. Poor thing Im thinking it was dumped on the street as the owner know it was probably on its last days of its life, but im hoping its just run off and somebody will pick it up soon.

Anyway I then decided to do some shopping at my local ASDA, got all my shopping and went to the self service checkout all was well scanning my products then it suddenly said "please wait for assistance" so stood there waiting for the operator for about 30 seconds then the two other self service checkouts next to me say the same thing. We all stood there for like a minute for the operator to sort them out. she finally noticed sorted the other people's first then decided she will ignore me and carry on doing what she was doing which removing the hand baskets all this while my machine was saying "please wait for assistance" after another minute of waiting I decided to unpack my stuff and go to the ordinary checkouts.


She completely ignored me totally this is not the first time she has done this to me. She did the same thing to me about 6 months ago and I told her to her face that she was slow and her service was ****. This time I put an official complaint into the customer service desk about her and wait to see what happens. Told them that if she does this again Im not going back and im a regular shopper there but they probably wont miss me though.


Just really made me angry I go to the self service as its usually quicker to go through and ended up being slower.


Any rant over, I hope that dog will be OK I really feel sorry for it.

Edited by The BFG
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It's a hard life in Helensburgh. Terrible service on a self service checkout and you picked up a stray dog, i mean what other bad luck can befall just one person in a single day. It's almost stress inducing just reading all that. :angry:


I know i didn't have to read it, but you didn't have to post it either. :good: I hope this evening pans out better for you, god forbid something scary happens in Coronation Street, i can only image the post that will follow. :good:

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