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Beretta 686E v SP3


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I currently own a 686E which is a very good gun, but prooving a little too long and heavy with 30" barrels. I also own SP field gun which is very mobile in comparsion and was looking to purchase something in between the two. I am considering part exchanging for a SP3 sporting 28" barrels to reduce a little weight and increase pointablity, can anyone recommend one; or have experiance of shooting Beretta 30 and 28" guns?





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I have a silver pigeon 3 28" two years now and use it mainly for walked up game shooting and find it nice and light and easy to carry all day,i have used it a good bit at clays also but my shoulder would be a bit sore after a day at clays so i bought a 682 gold e for that job.


Just to add there really reliable i have not had 1 fault with the gun and easly fired 3-4k cartridges through it. :good:

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I recently bought my first gun and was told the simplest guide for barrel length is your height. Saying that, the best rule of thumb has to be what feels right when you're shooting. I'm 5' 11'' and a 28" just felt right. I shoot a 1986 Beretta S686 and it feels spot on: light enough to handle; heavy enough to soak up the recoil; beautifully balanced so it's easy to aim and it swings smoothly. I'm no expert, but surely if when you shoot the thing it feels right and you're hitting targets, then the barrel length is good for you.

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Thanks for replies, I am 5ft 6" so a little vertically challanged! I presently own a 686E with 30" barrels and fancied a SP3 sporter in 28" barrels to reduce length and weight also to hopefully buy a gun which can be used for clay bashing and walked up days. Anybody out their got any experiance of the SP3 sporter and provide comments??





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Thanks for replies, I am 5ft 6" so a little vertically challanged! I presently own a 686E with 30" barrels and fancied a SP3 sporter in 28" barrels to reduce length and weight also to hopefully buy a gun which can be used for clay bashing and walked up days. Anybody out their got any experiance of the SP3 sporter and provide comments??





I have a Silver Pig III sporter and love it. My first gun :lol:


If anything it's a touch heavy, not done a huge amount of walking about with it. Had a lot of people admiring it! I went into the gun shop for some fact finding and walked out with it! I do love it. Broken a fair few clays with it!

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I've got a 12g 28" SP3 field spec, fixed choke and a 12g 30" SP3 sporter multi-choke. I bought the former as a lightweight game gun as my first gun and shot clays with it for a couple of years, but after trying a few dedicated clay guns found it was a bit whippy for shooting clays. I tried a couple of different SP3 Sporters and found them to be too heavy and clunky, then I found one of the new limited editions SP3 sporters which just seemed to be that bit better balanced. So I bought it.


In summary all I can recommend is you try as many guns as you need to until you find one that suits. No more complicated than that.


ps I found that my clay scores improved with my new 30" sporter so I bought a 30" 20 bore to shoot at game just to keep the same sight pictures. I still use my 28" SP3 but only really on walked up days and for pigeon shooting as the 20 bore is too nice to spoil.


Trust this helps.

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