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Crazy day decoying

Stealth Stalker

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"you dont have to carry your licence with you bur they can take your gun till you show them it."

That would be interesting, surly the police man that took your gun would have to have a valid gun licence himself and you signed the gun over to him on a temporary 72 hour certificate, otherwise he would be in possesion of a shotgun without a valid shotgun certificate ?.

Afraid not,

I possed this question to a police officer friend of mine , they can if want take your shotgun or rifle from you .He,s a Somerset and Avon copper so has done this a few times .He,s also been shot at by poachers so they tend to send for the ARV now!! Cant say i really blame him!!! :D

So i carry a colour photo copy of both my tickets just in case, dont particulary fancy stairring down the barrel of an MP5 :/





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So i carry a colour photo copy of both my tickets just in case, dont particulary fancy stairring down the barrel of an MP5 :D





:< We are in a "no win" situation here because if we take our certs. with us and they get stolen from our vehicle, we get the blame for leaving them in an insecure place.

If we take coloured photo copies, which I do, they can say that it only proves we had the real thing at the day of issue shown on the cert and the genuine article could have been revoked at any time since that date.


The only sure way is to carry it on our person with the risk of losing it or at least damaging it . :/

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