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gun dilemma


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guys i have owned a winchester super x2 auto for over 3 years now.it has in the past helped me with good bags in the fields and good scores on the clay ground.for some reason this past few months i` am`t shooting well with it. i find myself coming home from shooting puzzled as to why i can`t shhot with it like i used to.i have had it in the gunshop for my rfd to sell it for me and have also had it to different gunshops to trade it in but for some strange reason i can`t seem to part with it.i never really get attached to any gun as i chop and change regularly.anyone else ever find themselves in this predicament?should i sell it or keep it? :good:

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For what it's worth, I'd keep it :good: I guess it really depends on how you value the gun financially. I mean, if you need to sell it to raise money towards a replacement then that changes things.


As with all sports, we all go through bad patches from time to time. With shooting it could be something as daft as suddenly starting to have to wear a coat! I know from personal experience however, that I have sold guns in the past that I'd wished I'd kept.


So, keep it if you can :yes:

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i doubt its the gun thats the problem. have you been using a different gun lately, are doing more rifle shooting than usual? :good:


i know this will sound daft but if i only use the 10/22 for a while i cant hit anything with the shotguns til i get my eye back in, and vice versa. also found if id been using a different shotgun for a day or longer it affected the results with my own guns, i put it down the the fact i was maybe holding my own slightly differently after getting used to the other one.

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Have you had an eye test recently? Do you get eye strain more often than before if you do not wear glasses.


If you do wear glasses, have they been changed in the recent past?


I wear varifocals and have had great trouble settling into clays and pigeons, both with my 20G and 12G Escort.

I do shoot a lot of rifle all year round, and have to keep both disciplines going, or I tend to "aim the shotgun".


The solution was to get a pair of distance only, tinted specs from www.specs-by-post.co.uk (who I thoroughly recommend: no link with me other than satisfied customer: check out their prices!).


This transformed things, as I started to focus on the clay/pigeon, rather than the foresight.



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