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.410 subsonic

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Most gunshops do them,


Saddley and gun rooms (search in google) can supply.


Ive only ever managed to get 3 inch 6 shot ones though, made by Eley - 18 gram loads.


Hope this helps!




Snap. I have a box of them sitting next to me here. .410 Eley Subsonic 3inch 18g load #6`s... I havent seen any other subsonic .410 loads in the shops ive been in.


As someone else said on here, they aint cheap tho. I paid £7.70 a box for mine.


Best speak to Saddlery and see what they say.

Edited by jackinbox99
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"Don't think there is a factory load in subsonic #4 shot size, I have only seen subs in #6 "


I found the same,I also found Lyavale Express 2.5 just as quiet as the 3" subs through Hushpowered .410 & easier to obtain. Although I now reload I never found any advantage in bigger shot size than 6s & often prefer to load 7s as at the range I use the .410 at(25yds or so) energy isn't an issue but pattern is.

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"Don't think there is a factory load in subsonic #4 shot size, I have only seen subs in #6 "


I found the same,I also found Lyavale Express 2.5 just as quiet as the 3" subs through Hushpowered .410 & easier to obtain.


Ive heard several people say this. Have you heard what they sound like from a distance away? From what i understand they all sound the same when your next to the gun, but its only when your further away you notice the difference?


If they are as quiet, i know i`ll be buying the 2.5 in future!

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Ive heard several people say this. Have you heard what they sound like from a distance away? From what i understand they all sound the same when your next to the gun, but its only when your further away you notice the difference?


If they are as quiet, i know i`ll be buying the 2.5 in future!


I have heard them from a few yards away when my mate has used the gun & no noisier to me. Noisiest so far has been Eley 3" fourlongs,sometimes difficult to tell as the noise varies: quietest firing skyward but louder if something like woods etc. to bounce the noise back.

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