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naughty pups :(


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Right always getting my pups age wrong :angry: haha so checked the pedigree, shes 6.5 months :good:


ANyways lately she seems to have gone quite naughty / cheeky. Just a few weeks ago she was retrieving nicely and listening most the time but lately she would bring a dummy back n then jus run around me :yp: and her listening seems to have gone out the window. Tell her something and she just stands there looking at me or my mum like wer've got a 2nd head :stupid:


Any help would be much appreciated :angry:

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Its a labrador :stupid: Haven't done any serious training as of yet! Just play retrieving and such, tried a dummy with pheasy wings the other week with good results :angry:


Any good books to get hold of to start training ? Hope she does come out of it. Also is there anything I can do to lose her interest in other dogs ? :good: I know loads of springers that are so focused on you they dont even notice other dogs around them :angry: Mine see's a dog and off she goes ignoring all commands :yp:

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the dreaded teenage phase,the key to this is not be too hard on skye she will come through it, I would also slow off the retrieving and maybe do a little of it with you back to a wall or fence or whatever she can't circle you then.


Your allowing her to run off after the dogs to greet and meet them, you need to be vigilant and put her on the lead and walk in the other direction or maybe train where there is no distractions at all.


Joe Irving training spaniels is a good book, but you have a retriever hopefully someone will mention a book.


Keep going and remeber this is only a teenage phase do't put to much pressure on her,or be to hard. consistency is the key

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