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Hammer gun identification help please


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Hi, I just bought this hammer gun yesterday from the friend of a PW member and would be glad of any help as to its maker as it is not marked.

It is nitro proof at 2 1/2" but I'm not sure if the brls are sleeved or not as they are in very good condition, certainly re blacked. It has a dog and two pheasants on each side and is a POW stock

Any help would be appreciated. sorry for the poor pics!!





Edited by sanibel686
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Sorry, thats not right, there were plenty of hammerguns made originally with non-damascus steel barrels, I have owned a few. Your steel barrels are probably original too.


I agree with beatingisbest, the gun looks English, but the hammers dont look right to me, I think they could be replacements (not gospel though, I dont count myself as an expert).


We need Wabbitbosher to have a look.



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Hello there your proof marks mean : The crown with BV - it was proofed at birmingham , The crown with BP - Definitive proof at birmingham , The crown with NP - Nitro proof , The diamond with a 12 over C means it is 12 bore but not meant for solid slug as it has a choked barrel , The 2 1/2 is the chamber length and CHOKE just means it has choked barrels , and the Nitro proof 1 1/8 shows it was proofed to use lead shot with a max load of 1 1/8oz between 1904 and 1925 ,The mark on the left hand side I cannot read properly but i think it is the bore diameter 13 over 1 and means the bore was measured at proof at .719" the marks actually on the round part of the barrels is the Nitro proof mark , If anywhere it has crossed swords with letters and/or numbers around it that will be the date code.

Your flats do not have any reproof marks on them so the barrels are original.

Edited by Andy H
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What you have is a Birmingham produced Bar action hammergun , made around the turn of the century(give or take 20 years) ,


These guns were sold by Hardwear stores all over the UK , some stores had the Store name on the rib some didnt


The Bar action is the better quality Hammergun (not always the case) and yours has a Third bite with a cross bolt making it a little more upmarket


Not sleved !


The locks look like Belgian but who can tell ,


what marks are on the action flats ?


Very nice looking Useable English Hammergun

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