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Gotta love the NHS.


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Have just come back from Basildon Hospital A and E with a hurty knee - Told them what the problem was and was seen by a junior doctor - "Well, we don't think it's broken - It's probably some muscle damage - Go home and take ibuprofen and if it's not better by Friday, see your GP".


Ta very much - Most helpful.........Not


You're obviously a trained medic/doctor then to know before you go what the problem is - so why bother wasting your/staffs/other peoples time by attending in the first place(if you weren't so fat then you wouldn't put so much pressure on your knees/joints Mr fatcatsplat) - I have nothing but high praise for the staff at Basildon - ney the complete coal face of the NHS - it is another large Organisation that is painfully let down by ***** in managerial positions that aren't fit to wipe the ***** of the men/ladies working in the real world on the wards/A&E - I can live with the keyboard warriors on here slagging off the police etc but lay the ***** off NHS medical staff - -like the army dudes they are the best in the world.


I hope all the docs/nurses and other NHS staff have a great Crimbo without A-holes slagging them off :good:

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I can do nothing but sing praises for the NHS. Im 17 and have had 5 operations requiring general anesthetics one of which was open heart surgery. Im not saying it all went perfect as tis is by no means the case i did get an infection that caused an aneurism but with out the good old NHS i would be dead by now. I got my main heart surgery within 2 weeks of my infection being officially cleared up and i was offered an appointment within 2 weeks of the first meeting with my surgeon/consultant at that time. At the end of the day you may well get bumped down the list as no doubt someone was for me but i equally was for other people. At the end of the day f you can survive being bumped back so someone who would die takes priority thats the way it is, i speak having been on both ends of the spectrum and can honestly say i would not be with out the NHS. I have been passed from pillar to post when they could not diagonse the problem with me but at the end of the day with out them i would not be here typing this today :good: :good: :good:;)




*EDIT* Just a quick aside having been in both leeds (LGI ward 10 pediatrics cardiology) where i got my own room with i swanky electric bed and in York's pediatrics ward where i was in a room with wall paper pealing off the walls and some blood stains on the walls and with family and friends having worked in york district i can say it horribly under funded and in serious need of a re-vamp.

Edited by groach1234
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You're obviously a trained medic/doctor then to know before you go what the problem is - so why bother wasting your/staffs/other peoples time by attending in the first place(if you weren't so fat then you wouldn't put so much pressure on your knees/joints Mr fatcatsplat) - I have nothing but high praise for the staff at Basildon - ney the complete coal face of the NHS - it is another large Organisation that is painfully let down by ***** in managerial positions that aren't fit to wipe the ***** of the men/ladies working in the real world on the wards/A&E - I can live with the keyboard warriors on here slagging off the police etc but lay the ***** off NHS medical staff - -like the army dudes they are the best in the world.


I hope all the docs/nurses and other NHS staff have a great Crimbo without A-holes slagging them off :lol:



don't hold back like.

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Ive had good and bad experiences from the NHS - however, the treatment / care has always been first class.


The problems in the main stem from the way the government want to run the service, target driven, a case of "paralysis by analysis"


Its time the government handed back the NHS to those who know how to run it best

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never had a problem with the NHS...best so far was when i had my jaw broken....happened friday nite and was at a&e for 2 hours which is pretty good...was up on a ward by saturday morning at 5am...and was operated on sat afternoon..let out sunday afternoon .......


worse was the nite of the rugby world cup final in 05....had my forehead split open pretty badly at rugby but only needed a few stitches and glue.......was there for 4pm....was still sat there at 730pm.....told them i was going.....so left and watched the game...went back and was seen 5 mins after i entered.... :lol:

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