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One for the Myth busters...


I always seem to hear people telling me that, Varget is more resistant to heat/cold affecting velocity.


Does anyone know if this is a proven FACT?


I currently use Varget - and have no problem with it, but am considering looking into H322 / H335 as they are..


1 - Cheaper


2 - Meter better


3 - Less likely to sell out, Varget is getting harder to get hold of.


4 - It's always good to have a couple of "options" in case of point #3


So is this purely shooting myth or is Varget really that good in a range of ambient temps?



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I don't think it is a myth, all of the Hodgdon extreme range are less prone to pressure variations with temperature. However they are not immune to the effect. I currently use Varget and H380. The loads I worked up last winter with Varget at around 0C daytime temperature were still fine in 30C summer temps. The H380 loads were not. I had some cratered primers and sticky bolts with the H380, but no problem with Varget. I think as Fister says if you are sensible and not running OTT loads you shouldn't have a problem especially in the UK where temps are much more moderate. I would certainly keep your options open regarding different powders. Varget here in Canada has been like rocking horse excrement of late, though as Macca points out it is made in Australia, but since it's most likely packaged in the US I predict supplies will be hit and miss so it's worth having an alternative. I did try H322 in my .223 and .17 but didn't really get very good results with it. I would take a look at Benchmark. It is an extruded powder like Varget but with smaller grains and it burns quite cleanly compared to H322.

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Probably the most versatile powder in the ADI range is AR2206H which I think is H4895 and AA2460. I use it in my 223, 6BR dasher and my 7/08. I use BM2 in my 17MKIV, 25/20 and 300 whisper. Out here full bor shootrs are rstricted to AR2206H for both the 223 and 308. Its extremely versatile as is BM2. Compared to imported brands it is chaper and far more available.

Cheers macca

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It's definitely not AA2460, that's a ball powder!


223 can use pretty much any powder and be OK. I have had good results with N130, but relatively high pressures. Did work up to max load and I get 3500 fps with a 50gr BK, but I also get cases with slack primer pockets after one load... Interestingly apart from that no other pressure signs in my Remington, and the accuracy was phenomenal.

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Hi Guys,

thought Id add this to the thread. If you use any of these hogdon powders then you can use the load data on the ADI site as a start for your loads. Cheers macca

ADI AR2206H = H4895

AR2208 = Varget

AR2209 = H4350

AR2213SC = H4831

AR2217 =H1000

AR2219 =H322

AR2225 =Retumbo

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