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You can go to the TD5alive web site and it explains it all and sells the kit (although i think it can be done with a bit of tin and some sealer!) to be honest it's like putting training shoes on a tortoise.....


...Kinda pointless...TD5's will never be all that quick and the EGR kit can be a hit or a miss...some people see a difference...others dont, all it basically does is blank of the exhaust gas recirc so you are only pulling in clean air.





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if the egr is gunked up it will make a difference and stop it smoking as much. Its a pretty **** idea on diesel engines recirculating exhaust gasses. Only thing to nots is don't use thin tin as if any of it goes into the engine you could trash it better off with a proper stainless plate

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I had a TD5Alive remap on my 53 plate Auto when I had it, it made so much difference to it it was like driving a completly different vehicle, I would hightly recommend it. Not only was it a lot quicker it added about 2mpg average.


As for the EGR kit, I actually bought one from Gary at TD5 Alive but never actually got round to fitting it, so it will probably go on Ebay soon.



Speak with Gary and he will advise on the correct filter to use, some of them can damage the MAF sensor due to excess oil on them so be careful.




Edited by Hewey
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